Director Fang's face was filled with smugness.

Back when Qin Min had to go through him to get the license, he was kind to Qin Min since they were all friends and would try to give each other as many benefits as possible.

But now they were enemies and the Fang family wanted Qin Min dead.

They weren't going to rest until they pushed the Qin family over the edge of the cliff.

Director Fang brought his team to the gate and the security guards stopped them.

"What business do you have here?"

After the last few days, the security guards had seen a lot and were much bolder now. After they witnessed how powerful Brother Gou really was, they now felt like they were the kings around here and even their voices were louder than before.

Register here first!

what they were here for, they had to leave their names

Fang's subordinates immediately yelled back. "Don't

at him. He scoffed, "If you don't register then you are not allowed to enter


meaningful smile on his face. "Sure, we'll write our names down. Put this on the report

He was impressed and admired

quickly went up

had a lot of names on it, and they were all names of people from powerful families of the north. Some of the names even had faint bloodstains, and

done?" asked Director Fang impatiently before his assistant could ask the

You can open the gate now,

they had been stopped outside the gate when they came round to conduct inspections. Most others immediately got a fright the moment they saw their uniforms

with the factory and make sure they closed down for good, they would have made a

guard opened the gate for them and didn't even glance at them. He didn't

these guards treated him.

big shot, eh?" he scoffed. "My dear Qin Min, there's no point in doing such a thing. The Qin family has become everyone's enemy and now everyone wants to kill you! Do you have any idea how many people you've

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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