"Mr Long, I've already called them but they either don't pick up, they hang up, or they just say they don't have time."

"These bastards!"

Long Fei fumed. He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number.

It took a long time before the other end picked up. His voice sounded lazy.

"Come to the office right now! I want you to appear in front of me RIGHT NOW!"

"I'm so sorry, Mr Long, but I've taken leave and I'm overseas now. I'm not in very good health right now, so I can't deal with things in the company for the time being. I hope you can understand."

He then hung up immediately and didn't even let Long Fei have the chance to get angry with him.

Long Fei's expression was very nasty now.

He continued making calls but not a single one of them was willing to return to the office. They would rather be fired than to come back. Some of them didn't even pick up the call and completely disregarded Long Fei.


Long Fei slammed a palm on the desk so hard that a crack appeared instantly. The poor secretary was so frightened that his face paled.

to turn out

he have to kill some

make sure their departments

"They all seem to have taken leave as a department..." "Would they rather die?!" Long Fei flew into a rage and started shouting, "Did they

furious that the veins on his fists were popping. He wished he could just kill all these idiots right now. But so what if he killed

issues with Linglong Group's

within such a large

what, call the rest of the Long family and tell them to transfer some experienced staff from other businesses into Linglong Group for the time being so that these departments

"Yes, Mr Long."

ran off to

blame me for being heartless. Since you don't want to return to your offices, then I'm going to chase all of you out. I'll use my

as he finished saying these words, his phone started ringing. He looked

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Come home right now!"


in Linglong Group, I have a lot of things to attend to," replied Long Fei. "These are very serious matters." sᴇaʀᴄh

than the Long family?" Long Xiang didn't want to waste

happened over the phone. His tone of voice was very solemn

Long family was now on

How could this be?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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