Now that things had come to this stage, it was out of Zhao Quan's control.

The only way to snatch the eighth mining zone from Lin Group was to allow Guo Meng to take action against Lin Group. Then they would all get what they wanted!

Lin Group was preventing Guo Meng from obtaining what he wanted, so Guo Meng wouldn't let them off easy. Once Lin Group was eradicated...Xishan would be theirs once more.

"Are you positive about doing that?" said Gao Shou feeling slightly worried.

"Do you have a better idea then?" said Zhao Quan unhappily. "We could have gotten so much more. But even in the best-case scenario now, we would return only to our starting point. The only good part is tha Xie Zhen is in jail, so we only have to split two ways instead of three now!"

He had a vicious look on his face. It seemed unfamiliar and sent chills down Gao Shou's back.

They used to split their income three ways, but now it was just the two of them. Would Zhao Quan want it all for himself? Would Zhao Quan kill him for it?

Gao Shou's heart palpitated. He was instantly anxious when this thought hit him.

things work out, we still have a chance!" said Zhao Quan coldly with a malicious look

didn't dare speak further.

Zhao Quan asked. He couldn't change anything

smiled Zhao Quan coldly, "I underestimated

so complicated. They could have traded for a lot more things in return and wouldn't need to beg Guo Meng meekly


then he

Quan made that call, he went to work

that once Guo Meng took action, Lin Group would no longer be able to stay in

of Xishan, those mining zones remained

could count on the powerful northern families for funds. Now they had to rely

for himself. Just Xishan alone was no longer enough to satisfy his insatiable appetite. He wanted to control the entire

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At the same time.

mines in Xishan were going through safety inspections. Everyone was far more

formed its labor union, it became the starting point for everything. Everything that the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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