"Yes, Mr Bao! Don't worry, Mr Bao. We are well prepared this time, so we won't let you down!" said one the men.

"It's not about letting me down," said Moore Bao as he shook his head. "It's the Chairman that you can't let down, understand?"

He stared at the man in front of him, "Xiang Gao, do you know how much effort it took for me to place you in this position? If you can't run the Chinese market smoothly and even let Lin Group take over our market share, then you had better find yourself a building and jump from its highest floor."

"Yes, Mr Bao!" said Xiang Gao immediately as he trembled.

Then Xiang Gao didn't dare to disturb him further. He immediately treaded out lightly with his back bent.

He could finally relax a little after leaving through Moore Bao's office doors. The horrifying pressure that Moore Bao gave off whenever they met felt simply dreadful.

"Mr Xiang..."

Moore Bao requested!" said Xiang Gao immediately. "Whatever it takes, we must obtain

inhaled deeply. This was

wanted to deal with Lin

no longer had the same status in the north. There was a night when he could strangle Lin Group single-handedly. But now even a hundred of himself couldn't

short span of time, this place had changed

Bao was inside, so he

name?" cursed Xiang Gao silently. But he

to be a powerful family in the north. But decades ago, their entire family moved overseas. Then they built a foundation overseas and became an even more influential family! They even had shares in an

was especially powerful in the Chinese market, and almost singlehandedly controlled the region. But the rise

handle Lin Group. But he didn't care about the current

wish to find out, and it was beneath him to do so. Moore Bao

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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