Chen Huangtang coughed violently with his hand to his chest. Blood trickled down the corners of his mouth, and even his breathing sounded hoarse.

This fist technique was really too powerful!

The force of Bao Rongdong's punch managed to hit his body even though he blocked it off. If he didn't retreat quickly, he would have suffered major internal injuries. Even if he didn't die, he would become paralyzed.

"No wonder so many people are after the technique manual. truly frightening!"

Chen Huangtang knew Jiang Ning's boxing technique was just as powerful as Bao Rongdong's, if not even more domineering.

After so many years had gone by, he wondered how much more powerful Jiang Ning had become.

He slowly exhaled as he leaned against the wall. Then he narrowed his eyes and smiled with relief in his eyes.

I've returned the favor...Jiang

had attacked Bao Rongdong at Jiang Ning's orders

himself knew that Bao Rongdong wasn't an easy target for him. But he did

words, sometimes it was unnecessary to use brute force to eliminate an

the inside and became an empty shell, all it took was a gentle puff of breath

his eyes to rest. Then he reflected on how lucky he was for not making an enemy of Jiang Ning. This fellow had such

years abroad, Chen Huangtang had secretly investigated Jiang Ning a

more he discovered, the more in awe

But images of Jiang Ning's dominance and sheer power while he battled a sea of enemies kept surfacing

website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in

the Lin family bungalow, Jiang Ning stood by the stone table as he watched

bound to lose," said Jiang Ning as he reached his hand out to undo Ye Shan's

frowned unhappily. He had so much trouble coming up with the strategy,

displeased as well and glared at Jiang Ning as he said, "You're not supposed to interfere when you watch, don't

defeat Jiang Ning in a fight, Ye Shan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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