At night.

It was ridiculously dark.

This city was filled with lights and night activities, but the Ceyrankas were so silent. This surprised many people.

Everyone knew that Las Vegas was calm on the surface, but it was anything but calm underneath.

It was like the surface of the sea that seemed quiet, but the current underneath were powerful.


With one quiet sound, the balance was upset.

A black shadow flashed past, then another figure fell heavily onto the ground.

Fresh blood flowed everywhere, dying all the flowers and grass around the dead bodies red.

A few shadows flashed past like this and they moved extremely quickly!

The lights in the living room were all on.

It was the middle of the night, but Kidd was still not asleep.

someone was on

leaving." Amelia shook her head. Kidd told her to

us have either secretly surrendered or have escaped. We want to be independent,

and sighed. "Do you know why the clan

Of course Amelia knew.

the sake of resources. They want half the resources of every faction so that the clan continues

A glint flashed at

"They're afraid."

Amelia was surprised.

things. They're afraid that they won't be strong enough to protect certain things..." Kidd's voice was low and quiet, and there was

was suddenly unafraid to die

Lin Group and Jiang Ning." He looked at Amelia and said, Tve already tested him more than once and he is indeed


could sense something in the air. Since Duncan dared to be so bold, it meant that he had the

comeback, it meant that highly skilled fighters

fighters that remained hidden in

leaving!" Amelia was just as determined. "I'm the next head of the family, so I'm going to stay



say anything, someone kicked the door open


few figures

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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