Jiang Ning got up, walked over to Lin Yuzhen, pulled her into his arms and gently kissed her forehead.

"We'll take one step at a time and do bit by bit. We'll definitely make things get better."


Lin Yuzhen nodded slightly.

Jiang Ning caressed Lin Yuzhen's hair and his eyes were filled with gentleness.

Protecting someone didn't mean cutting her off from everything that was bad, but to help her to differentiate right from wrong and to continue being who she was.

He knew that the way to protect Lin Yuzhen's kindheartedness and innocence wasn't to remove her from the dark side of the world at all. Instead, he had to teach her that the world wasn't all bright and cheery, but that there was a dark side to it too.

And what Lin Yuzhen had to do was to know that despite the darkness, she had to continue being herself, and she could make everything around her become brighter.

"Mum said she's learnt a new dish and she'll cook it for us tonight. You keep working, I'll pick you up later." Jiang Ning scratched Lin Yuzhen's little nose gently. "Also, don't be so serious, I don't like you like that."

"Yes, yes," Lin Yuzhen scoffed quietly.

"You're becoming more and more like my mum!"


what she said, but her expression clearly looked

knew that Jiang Ning had put in all his effort into protecting her and making sure

her to grow and become independent, but

no matter where she went and what problems she faced, Jiang Ning would also be right in

to kiss

so easily. Jiang Ning couldn't help but laugh loudly at this, and Lin Yuzhen stomped her feet.

chin in his hands and felt like he was

"Photocopy this document."

edit this picture. You're not too

did my computer screen suddenly go blank? Come

stepped out of the office, Fei

If you're still my Big Boss, then help me to leave this terrible sea of suffering! This secretary...is not human! How can I, Fei, be ordered around by

Ning looked at Fei seriously and solemnly shook his head even though Fei

"No, I'm not."

Ning left the

was left there in a


came from behind him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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