How was this possible?

Under such circumstances, the competition was very stiff, and things got more intense when one could see others become better than yourself. Even someone as old as the Sima clan elder felt that he would have been jealous.

But he saw that besides the tinge of envy in the other students' eyes, they weren't too bothered by this and just went right back to what they were doing earlier.

This atmosphere and behavior really confused him.

"This really a very different sort of place."

The Sima clan elder frowned.

He didn't say anything and didn't disturb the other students, and just left the room.

He went back to the room and saw that the other elders had also come back from going round the place.

It was clear that everyone's expression was a little grim, but also a little surprised and confused.

Martial Arts Academy very differently now, and they were getting more and more curious about

clan elder couldn't

the Sima clan elder in

the reclusive clans really are," said Sima Quan

he turned to look at the other

Nobody said anything.

reclusive clans were high and mighty, a class above the martial arts circle and were in pursuit of a higher calling and universe," Sima Quan suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly. "I suddenly feel like I'm such a joke. All these so called reclusive

walked right into his own room and closed the

exchanged equally complicated

academy were united and helped each other. They

who should have been groveling at the bottom of society were so well respected and loved by the

this city looked peaceful, and everyone was clearly living in

they could sacrifice everything for the sake of gaining more for themselves... It felt like a comparison

class above others? They were just greedy for more, and pursued greater things to satisfy their growing greed. They


were both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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