Jiang Ning immediately gave chase and rushed into the wooden house, but Fang Yin was gone.

He pulled away the bedsheets and found an underground passage.

He had escaped.

He didn't expect that the two elders of the Fang clan were two scheming fellows who had actually left an escape route for themselves. They were wily old foxes alright.

If he didn't kill off this sort of person, he would definitely be back to make more trouble.

Jiang Ning walked out of the wooden house again to find Fang Wei in a daze from his fright.

He stood there without moving at all, as if he had been immobilized by Fang Yin's poison. He stared down at Fang Jin's straight dead body lying on the ground and took several deep breaths, but he still couldn't calm himself down.

His entire mind went blank.

Fang Jin was dead?


Fang Wei felt a ringing in his ears. His face was ashen and he looked like his soul had been sucked out of this body.

Fang Jin's body was less than ten meters away from him, and he could see that Fang Jin's eyes were still wide open.

could see the indignation and disbelief

He was dead!

by just one punch from

the Senior Elder

snapped out of his daze violently. He felt like he was no longer in control of his own life. Jiang Ning was so much more powerful than he had imagined. He felt

Where were his limits?

powerful was

there anyone who could push him to his

me," Fang Wei's

have risen to

even Fang Yin had run for his life. The Fang clan

to Jiang Ning already.


hand came down on Fang Wei's throat and he died

have died

looking back at Fang Wei as Fang Wei's dead body

At the same time.

main hall of the Fang

battle was

to go up against Fang Qiu's

the head himself and narrowed his cold eyes at Fang Qiu.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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