Money was a temporal object, so Jiang Ning was never bothered by it.

He didn't like to touch money. Money was supposed to be used by people, but in reality, people often became a slave to money instead. That was the greatest tragedy of life.

Ko San's estate wasn't all that famous in Seoul.

That was because Ko San himself was a very low profile man.

Only the extremely rich and powerful of Seoul would know him.

After all, it took someone with a certain level of wealth to be able to dabble in antique collection and maintain such high security.

This world was like that. Those who seemed very formidable were often not that amazing.

Those who looked ordinary and didn't even make any heads turn were often more than meets the eye.

Ko San was clearly the latter.

the estate and many fully armed men in uniform were standing at the

every car and confirmed that nobody had brought any weapons in. Safety was the top priority

who could come for the auction might not be very powerful, but was certainly very


car twice before letting him in. These people were as strict as the security guards at a president's residence. "These


market, and Jiang Ning had not checked on whether they were dead or alive. "We have to go there

a truly insane

were working for money and

in Jiang Ning's

how the people there wandered around homeless, either separated from their families or were the only survivors from their family. The most pitiful victims of war were the homeless children. Jiang Ning didn't want to even think about what would happen to all the children that were taken in by

have to go there again sooner or later.

there were men to guide

car and looked around. They were surrounded by fully armed

Their entire journey into the place was under tight control. Even though they were already within the estate, they had to follow these mercenary soldiers and couldn't leave their line of sight

is really not simple," whispered Fei. "How much does all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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