The leader of the security guards didn't defend his argument, but he was clearly indignant.

After fighting on the battlefield for years, he had seen his fair share of corpses.

The Middle East was a chaotic zone, so weapons were their most important line of defense. But Ko San said that hand to hand combat was just as strong. How could he believe such a thing?

However, he did not retort since it was pointless. If ever he came across a so-called master of the arts, he would let him see how powerful weapons were!

On the screen, Fang Yin was already close to Ko San's quarters.

But there wasn't the slightest bit of anxiety on Ko San's face.

In his eyes, these martial arts experts were akin to ordinary human beings and posed no threat whatsoever.

He had his eyes glued on the screen, but he hadn't seen the man he wanted to see tonight.

"Jiang Ning must still be around," said Ko San. "I am certain he wants to know more about the manual."

"He could have just asked you straight up."

leader found

go through the trouble of using Fang Yin to obtain information? Moreover, it was still uncertain whether Fang Yin could make it all the way here. Even if he was highly skilled, he might not have enough time

Ko San shook his head. "If the same thing happened to me, I wouldn't buy it either. Jiang Ning is a careful man and hard to approach."

a few videos were playing on the screen where Fang Yin was visible. This was already very remarkable. Yet, none of these well-concealed cameras managed to capture Jiang Ning's silhouette. That meant that Jiang

his martial arts, he had impeccable

to move," said Ko San. "Maybe I made a mistake, and Jiang Ning had no intention to

his estate or not partly because he believed in

Jiang Ning to dodge all the surveillance and sneak into the estate, yet at the same time, he had confidence that his defense system worth hundreds of millions wasn't that bad. He hoped he could at least capture Jiang Ning

long, he was nowhere to be seen and Fang Yin was quickly approaching

it all the way here, then he would

"Yes, Mr Ko!"

Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early

weapons! Then he turned to leave and quickly led his men with weapons in hand and went straight

"Hand to hand combat?"

said viciously, "I'm going to riddle you like

the leader. "Kill

armed and seemed clearly experienced.

distance, the leader spotted his silhouette and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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