Jiang Ning had given them time, money and the support of highly skilled fighters. The resources from Jiang Ning was even more than what the Li family enjoyed in the past.

If they still couldn't produce results, then they weren't only an embarrassment, but they would also have disappointed Jiang Ning.

The two of them could feel the pressure on themselves, but this was also their motivation at the same time.

The two of them stayed up and made sure they did their best to patch any loopholes so that they could build an impenetrable fortress.

Meanwhile, in an old castle in the middle of Saudi Arabia.

The ones who could occupy this territory was clearly the most powerful mercenary army in this region.

The Holy Sword Mercenary Army!

According to the legend, they had a call from god to descend on earth and seek justice for the people with their holy sword.

But of course, this was just a legend and they were the ones who spread this story so that they could gather some influence among the people.

levels and every mercenary soldier patrolling the place were armed with

definitely the safest place in

of the Holy Sword Mercenary Army, Yeshma, had just put down the phone and looked at the information in his hands with some

narrowed his eyes as if he had already received

things. In fact, he remained here

family's army?

Yeshma was very careful.

he had underestimated his enemy and offended someone he

of the eight commanders under him

had lost even more

That person...

even think of his name. He couldn't believe that there was such a

him and became very cautious in everything he did. Even

used to be based in Las Vegas and was in control of

compared to us. But for some reason,

powerful, and I can confirm that their backer is not from

Sword was financially backed by someone from the Third World.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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