Sugita was very angry.

He couldn't stand having others climb all over him and bullying him.

Most of the time, he would just take a step back and pretend that nothing happened, since living harmoniously and peaceably was the most important thing to him. But Jiang Ning was with him now!

If he was still scared and compromised with this killing machine next to him, then he wouldn't just embarrass himself, but also embarrass Jiang Ning.

"I can't stand it anymore." He looked at Jiang Ning. "You're with me but he actually dared to send men to kill me. That's looking down on you!"

"He can kill me, but he can't look down on you!" yelled Sugita angrily with clenched fists.

They returned to the shrine and his men greeted him, but Sugita ignored them.

"MEN!" he bellowed. "All of you, come out now!"

More than ten men came rushing out with stern expressions on their faces. They had never seen Sugita so angry before.

"Mr Sugita!"

"Listen up, all of you," said Sugita loudly.

"Go to the best hotels of Tokyo and get their best chefs here. Each one of them has to cook their best dish!"

Everyone was stunned.

such a grim expression and called them together, but it wasn't

of you still standing there?!" Sugita waved his hands. "Go now! I want to

"Yes, Mr Sugita!"

men quickly set

a deep breath and turned to Jiang Ning. He couldn't hide the excitement

"They're here?"

Jiang Ning nodded.


warzone in the Middle East, Sugita could already feel difficulty in his breathing from afar when he

like he had just climbed

Sugita that these people had really come back from killing others in a war, so

Ning have such men working for him? They were


the wolves greeted him

Jiang Ning nodded.

situation over

good. We've successfully created a forbidden territory over there!" replied Brother Gou. "Fei is still there,

leaving a

would be

blown up before they even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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