Suddenly, there was a terrible roar and all the wolves were alarmed.

Li Feidao had just sensed it when he saw a dark shadow swiftly dart out from the bushes.



He didn't hesitate and the throwing knives in his hands were always ready to shoot out.

He shot both knives out as quickly as lightning.


But the throwing knives only clanged as they hit the shadow and didn't hurt the animal at all.

"Look out!" yelled Brother Gou as he quickly pushed Li Feidao aside just in time to avoid a collision with the aggressive dark shadow coming towards him.


The black shadow smashed against the large tree that Li Feidao was standing in front of earlier and the impact caused a loud blast.

They could finally see exactly what this thing was.

It looked like a wild boar and its sharp tusks were huge and gleaming. This thing was enormous!

looked like it weighed around 200 kilograms, but it still managed to move faster than Li

skin was so thick that even Li Feidao's knives couldn't

something like

and tried to calm himself down. His expression was extremely grim now. "This thing is not simple

had heard of such wild boars before.

that he would see a supposedly extinct

position with their daggers that were made from a special material and were sharper than

Li Feidao was even more wary since


slid its trotters against the soil and its eyes were

its territory and any trespassers had to die

that there was actually a finger stuck between its teeth. His face paled and his expression became even grimmer than before. These deep mountains were really

people who were ahead of them. Many of

didn't give the wolves too much time to

It was so fast!

would think something of that size was capable



the men almost in an instant and seemed more intent on killing Brother Gou, because it didn't

Gou looked at it.

bloody animal!" Brother Gou grit his teeth and stepped aside to nimbly avoid collision with the wild boar before using his dagger to aim for the wild boar's belly. That was

But Brother Gou missed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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