The glacial look in Zhang Heng's eyes as he thundered furiously could freeze.

From the powerful aura that surrounded him, it was clear that he was being serious. The absence of restraint was a clear expression of his displeasure towards the guards of the Disciplinary Hall.

"Please don't get worked up, Mr Zhang." The leader of the guards didn't budge. "This is a serious matter and the Disciplinary Hall has a duty to get to the bottom of this. We have to do Luo Heng right and find his killer. This is the duty that we are bound to perform."

"Humph!" Zhang Heng had not expected a lowly leader of a small team of guards would dare to speak to him in such a manner. Wasn't he worried that Zhang Heng might simply kill him on the spot? "Your duty is to uphold order in the Qingshan Sect, not cause disorder and chaos!"

"Mr Zhang, you're wrong. We're seeking justice for a disciple of our sect. That's hardly causing disorder." The guard leader was prepared to die. He would rather be killed than back down. The honor of the Disciplinary Hall was more important than his life. "Besides, Luo Heng is your prized disciple. Aren't you upset by his death? Don't you want justice to be served?"

Zhang Heng's pupils contracted when he heard that.

The guard leader was insinuating something. In fact, he might be trying to lure him into spilling information.

"He's my disciple. Of course I want justice to be served," scoffed Zhang Heng. "But I won't let my other disciples suffer humiliation and have the Inner Court's name tarnished unjustly!" With a wave of his hand, a dozen disciples rushed forward.

"Mr Zhang, what are you trying to do?" laughed the guard leader. "We're here on the orders of Mr He and you're putting me in a difficult spot. The Disciplinary Hall's been around since Qingshan Sect was founded. We are tasked with the duty of upholding the name of Qingshan Sect and the laws of the sect."

"That is exactly what we're doing now. And you, Mr Zhang, what are you doing? Let me make myself clear. It doesn't matter even if it's the sect leader who's standing before us now. We're going to search everyone and everything that requires searching!"

With a loud metallic whine, the guard leader pulled his sword out. "Those who stand in our way will be deemed to have committed an act of treason and punished accordingly!"


disciples. They had

Disciplinary Hall had been relentless in their investigation. It was

a disciple. Was there really a need

to such extremes even if the person who had died

the same thoughts. He knew that Liu

feel sorry for losing an Inner Court

Ning was the only reason that could explain the Disciplinary

held Jiang Ning in high regard. That was why he wanted to capture those who wanted

without doubt an extraordinary character with

member of Qingshan

the principal of the Inner Court. I hold

regard than you do," bellowed Zhang Heng. "I'll find

our way since we both want the same things," the guard leader said as he cupped his fists politely. "Take him

he wasn't going to waste any

easy on Zhang

He and he didn't want to tarnish the name of

their principle, but Zhang Heng could do nothing but watch silently with a stormy

He could say nothing.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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