But even if the road ahead led to death, Qingshan Sect was still going to go ahead and fight!

Even if they died in battle the next day, they couldn't retreat!

If they became scared and either retreated or ran away, then Qingshan Sect would be completely destroyed for sure. Besides losing the lives of their people, the reputation of Qingshan Sect's ancestors would also go down the drain.

It had been many years since Liu Chuandao had worn armor. This might be the last time he was wearing it.

He looked at all the elders and saw the determination on their faces, so he didn't say anything else.

If Qingshan Sect was destroyed, he would be the one to be held responsible.

He would become the greatest sinner of the sect!


"Father! We want to join the battle too!"

Liu Zong and Liu Heng had barged in from outside because they couldn't stand it anymore.

"We want to fight too!" Liu Zong's eyes were red. "If Qingshan Sect is going down, we'll go down with it!"

"That's right! Even if Qingshan Sect has to die, it has to die after I die!" Liu Heng chimed in.

Both of them were very agitated and their chests were heaving.

"Both of you are Sinners, so you are not qualified to be part of the battle." Liu Chuandao frowned and turned them down immediately.

soldiers in order to atone for their sins!" yelled Liu Heng loudly. "I want

from his sleeve to place it against his own neck. "Either I die immediately, or I die

shook. He never thought that this son of his would be

in his eyes. "That's what the future leader of Qingshan Sect should look like!" "Join the

Zong and Liu Heng in unison. They

in Qingshan Sect became both tense and

things would come

cared about Jiang Ning's whereabouts anymore. There was no point

enemy ahead, so they had to put in their


If you didn't kill

were going


the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest

was nothing else they


of the mountain

six major sects had

Qi, was seated on a chair as he looked at the

open the mountain gate. After that, how much one can get


trove is

sect leaders were discussing these things among

waited for this day for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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