A strange expression appeared on his face. "I've been waiting for you for such a long time."

Then, his eyes fell on Jiang Ning. Something flickered in them.

It was mild surprise. He had not expected Jiang Ning to team up with Peter Pan.

But he didn't look worried at all.

"Die!" Peter Pan didn't waste his time mincing words. With a thunderous roar, he charged at Mr Lang immediately.

He had not recalled whom Mr Lang was, but as soon as he had looked at those eyes, he had known that this man was the man he wanted to kill.



Mr Lang attacked the same moment that Peter Pan did, the two exchanging blows instantly.


The ground shook and the mountain quaked.

The castle seemed to be shaking too.

exchanged were simply incredible. Prior to this battle, Jiang Ning could not have known that such terrifying fighters existed




Peter Pan and Mr Lang had exchanged

he launched into a relentless and ferocious

Technique Manual before. The moves that he was using right

fool then. I used you like a tool. Do you hate

man. Peter Pan's face grew increasingly redder.




Ning was probably the only person who could tell what was going on in the fight. Any other person would only see

be able to understand what was going on in

tightened his fists as he stared unblinkingly at Mr Lang. If he were to team up with Peter Pan,

Ning." Mr

were to team up, the both of you are still not my match. Don't

to how he had been inside the

"Die! Die! Die!"

eyes were red and he seemed to have lost all reason. He kept muttering

Mr Lang's aim been to make Peter Pan lose his mind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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