She knew that Jiang Ning was right outside and that he was going to be nervous, worried and upset if he heard her scream.

"Try to reserve your strength. The dilation's now at three centimeters," the nurse tried to comfort Lin Yuzhen. "Everything looks fine. Looks like this is going to be a natural birth. It'll be good for the baby too. Come on, keep it up!"

Lin Yuzhen took a deep breath and tried to reserve her strength.

This was the first time she was giving birth and the first time she was experiencing the pain of childbirth. Despite the agony, she was happy.

This was Jiang Ning's and her baby, the fruits of their labor. She couldn't wait to see her child.


A wave of intense pain hit her. She didn't manage to stop herself from crying out. She could feel the bones inside her

shifting. The pain was agonizing.

Jiang Ning was pacing nervously outside the ward. There had been a few times when he had nearly charged into the room but he had stopped himself in time.

had turned red. His heart broke when he heard Lin Yuzhen's cries. He was seized by regret. Lin Yuzhen wouldn't be suffering if he hadn't wanted to have a baby. Meanwhile, a few cars had arrived at the borders of Donghai. They passed numerous inspections and checks and entered the

stared out of the car and at the Lin family mansion. The look

"Let's move."

Academy and another for the Lin Group. The third headed elsewhere...

sincerity of my gesture," said Mr Lang mildly as he shut his eyes slowly. The mood in the Lin family bungalow was incredibly


to the procedure but he really wished that

eyes had turned red. Yet, she didn't stop comforting Jiang Ning. "Everything's going to

ward was her daughter. She had experienced the same pain. She knew that childbirth was akin to risking death. It was something that utterly transformed a woman and something like that wasn't going to be

hurt for

a deep breath and curled his fingers into tight fists. How he wished that he could suffer the pain of childbirth for

Meanwhile, Huang Yuming was

the Lin family bungalow. The others were standing guard as well. The Lin family bungalow and its vicinity were the most heavily guarded area in Donghai today. In fact, He Linbei, Jiang Daoran and the others had hurried to Donghai from

martial artists from the eight reclusive clans to join them. They were

knew that this would be the perfect day to launch an attack against Jiang

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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