"I'm in!"

"Me too!"

"Count me in then. What am I supposed to do in a room all by myself without my girlfriend?"

They came to a consensus immediately, then turned and eyed the man who had suffered a scare in the first place. The guy shook his head profusely. He wasn't going to step into the place again. He wasn't a timid man but he had truly been scared out of his wits today. Those eyes had been terrifying!

He couldn't describe the feeling, but the thought of those eyes...sti 11 sent shivers down his back!

"Leave him be. He can stay in the hotel and watch the news," the others laughed before grabbing their cameras and leaving the hotel.

They waited for night to fall.

When night came, the tourists would leave the pyramids. They would think of a way to sneak in.

The thought of that was exhilarating!

They were going to sneak into the pyramid to find out if the mummy was indeed alive. This was something that not even TV shows dared to film. They were buzzing with excitement.

not going to be easy to sneak in. You saw how many guards they have stationed around the place. We need to

risky but the greater the risk, the more exciting

time to carry out their plan. This was clearly not

average human would get tired at around three in the

friends who was hiding


They stared into the sky in disbelief.

be kidding

is it? Fireworks aren't

off. The rest seemed amused. The consequences of setting off fireworks

right in the head.


away and

so quickly that it vanished

head. "You must be seeing things. I don't see a single thing. Come on,

You're hallucinating."

think we should go in and take

he had seen someone's shadow. But it had been moving too quickly

not risk it. He wasn't going to let negligence be the reason he lost his job. It paid incredibly well. He immediately led

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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