Jiang Ning took a deep breath. These steps were huge and this staircase led into the clouds. What could possibly be at the other end of it?

He hesitated for a while, but decided to walk up the stairs anyway. But the moment he stepped onto the first step, his expression changed dramatically.

"Crap!" Jiang Ning wanted to come back down only to find that he simply couldn't. For as long as he had this thought in mind, his feet seemed to be nailed to the steps and he couldn't budge at all. So he could only go up?

"What a frightening flight of stairs." Jiang Ning felt that his feet seemed heavier.

"The gravity pull is stronger here?"

He suddenly realized that the weight on his body had changed a little as he stood on this step. His feet had become heavier, so he figured that the gravity levels were different on the stairs.

He took another step and alas, the gravity pull only increased. His feet felt significantly heavier now.

"What on earth is this place?" exclaimed Jiang Ning. "What a strange place! It can even change the amount of gravity."

He had never come across anything as strange as this. If the gravity increased with each step, then how terrifying was the gravity at the highest step?

A terrifying idea flashed in his mind. He suddenly had an urge to walk all the way to the top.

The environment was completely different with each step, as if he reached a new level of heaven with every step he ascended.

"I don't seem to be able to go down anyway."

Jiang Ning had no choice.

go back down, he could only go

upper end of the stairs that still seemed so far away as his heart palpitated. The gravity pull here was twice as strong as the first step's, so the pressure on his legs was twice

was as though he was carrying another person of his own weight on

and it even changes along the

now walking up ordinary stone steps, yet each step clearly had

analyze the steps, but he

couldn't go down, but he didn't know what was waiting for him at the top either.

all things that Jiang Ning had

a while, but eventually decided to

how much stronger the gravity pull would get, and how many more steps

of course, he wanted to see what was at the top

Longevity Pond be at the top of

in his mind, Jiang Ning couldn't help but become somewhat excited. He


had lost

the thick

realized that Jiang Ning had also disappeared, and

sense Jiang Ning's

After looking around at the ruins that surrounded him, he was very sure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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