Chapter 2318 Dead or Alive

Jiang Ning blinked several times as his face was covered in disbelief. He couldn't believe his own eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.


His lips moved slightly, but nothing more came out of it.

At the highest point of the staircase was a small landing. A Dragon Throne stood right in the middle.

It was carved entirely out of white jade and exuded a very quaint sort of air. Two flying dragons were intertwined on the armrests of the Dragon Throne.

The two dragon heads were facing Jiang Ning and seemed to gleam.

Why was there a Dragon Throne here?

Judging from the material of which it was made, this wasn't something ordinary.

Even though a terrible and bloody war had broken out here, that Dragon Throne continued to give off a very special feeling

about it.

He felt like he could see a ruler sit on that Dragon Throne as he looked down at the world below him.

Jiang Ning was really shocked.

a huge palace would be at the top of these 33 steps, and there was even a

mind could almost imagine a ruler of an era must have sat on this Dragon Throne,

hit Jiang Ning

as though he was in

remained standing where he was and looked at the Dragon Throne. He stared straight at the two flying dragons that seemed to be staring back at him

Dragon Throne like he was a stone sculpture, as if he was looking at a person sitting on the Dragon

discovered on his way here with Greedy Wolf was enough to completely change everything he understood

thing. Every single part of this place was


realizing he was doing so. His eyes were transfixed on the Dragon Throne as he walked in a daze towards it


this throne

"This Dragon Throne..."


in his heart. It felt as though this throne was tugging at him. A voice

drew closer to it and stood right in front of it. A warm feeling ran through his hand when he reached out to gently touch the head of the

could be turned into a Dragon Throne like this

just high grade jade, but the sheer size made it nearly


of the dragon. The


him, and made Jiang Ning feel like he was losing control of

on earth is this place?" Jiang Ning couldn't help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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