Chapter 2315 Grant You Immortality

After going through the excitement of the last ten odd steps, Jiang Ning could sense that something inside his body was beginning to change.

His blood was flowing very quickly, and his blood vessels seemed to have cracked a little from the sudden surge. But that whitish energy hidden in his blood repaired the vessels again in an instant. This was really beyond anything Jiang Ning knew about the world. If he hadn't already run into so many strange and unexplainable things before this, he wouldn't have believed it himself.

Jiang Ning took a deep breath and acclimatized to this step too. And he had managed to achieve this in a shorter time than the last step.

This was really insane!

He continued walking up the next step.

At the same time.

Greedy Wolf had been completely enveloped by the black gas, and after it went into his body, it started to wander about inside.

He started convulsing all over, and his expression looked ghastly.

Even though he could endure a lot of pain, the pain he was going through right now was almost unbearable.

It felt as though someone was ripping his body up into very small pieces, then putting the pieces together, then repeating the process repeatedly.

Greedy Wolf opened his mouth to scream but couldn't get any sound out because his nose and mouth were already full of the black gas. His polycoria kept shifting and narrowing from the pain, which made him look even more terrifying.

you...for a long

ring in Greedy Wolf's

Greedy Wolf had wanted to know who on earth

Its size slowly became smaller

the last bit of black of the black pearl was

able to absorb all the light in the surroundings, which was a really

and legs didn't feel like his because he

he couldn't see that his limbs were clearly fitted on

made him a paraplegic.

now." That voice resounded again, but it was much softer than before, and it sounded like it was running out of energy. "Who on earth are you?" Greedy Wolf gritted his teeth and finally managed to

know what exactly changed within his body.

"I've waited for you..."

The voice slowly faded.

of the black pearl was

entered Greedy Wolf, it looked like a tiny black

fell to the



blew and


were wide open but he couldn't move at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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