Jiang Ning shook his head and told himself not to place any hopes on others.

No matter what situation it was or what circumstances he was in, the one he could rely on the most was still himself. That was his conclusion after many years of experience. He took a deep breath. His eyes seemed to be sparkling like the stars.

There was a slight tremor as flames appeared next to Jiang Ning and surrounded him.

The flames were reddish on the outside, but the innermost part was dark blue. They were close to Jiang Ning but didn't affect him at all, as if they were merely an illusion.

Jiang Ning stretched his arms out and drew several formation lines in the air. He was using formation lines to create flames.

Once the formation lines were successfully drawn in the right way, flames sprouted out immediately. It looked completely magical.

Jiang Ning poured the Longevity Pond water and let it float on top of the flames. It continued to flow and surround him as it became entangled with the flames.

If anyone else was here to witness this scene, they would probably exclaim in shock.

This was simply too magical.

This completely surpassed any person's knowledge of how this world worked. You probably needed a special effects artist for this. But Jiang Ning could achieve this now.

one step further, Jiang Ning was able to create

could use formation lines to create anything one saw in everyday

from the Extreme Fist Technique Manual. The flames sizzled as it boiled the

very careful. He had an idea and was about to try


splashed out and the flames

and looked rather excited instead.

net In


hold it for

"Let me try again..."

up. These two words

and helped him to understand a number of things, he had to make full use of whatever time he had to make preparations in advance. After walking out of the Extreme Martial Arts Academy, Guan Yi did not leave

Donghai was one of Jiang Ning's and they were all watching his every step. He didn't mind. In fact, he wished that Jiang Ning would

me," he murmured. "But if you're going to wait till the Demon King is ready to strike,

didn't have much time, but he

long as Greedy Wolf didn't know he and the rest

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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