Greedy Wolf was still very calm. He didn't seem to have any reaction to such words anymore.

"You are very important." His voice was very flat. He didn't need to repeat exactly how he felt about her.

Yumeng knew how he felt but she refused to believe him and refused to acknowledge them. But that didn't affect the way Greedy Wolf felt.

He had always been like that. He never cared about what others thought and only cared about what he thought.

"Go out and play then. Have fun," said Greedy Wolf.

After seeing Greedy Wolf's calm demeanor, Yumeng didn't say anymore.

Actually, she did feel a little moved by him.

How long had it been? She couldn't even keep track of time herself. But all this time, it was true that Greedy Wolf's feelings toward her had never changed.

Even though the world had changed completely and so much time had passed, this man still felt the same way about her regardless. It was impossible for her not to feel moved at all. But she didn't say anything and left.

When she walked out of the main gate of the Underworld to look at the modern and developed world around her, she couldn't help but exclaim in wonder.

"So much has changed."

She wondered how many people she knew were still left in this world.

the places looked the same, the people in them

curious looks because she was wearing clothes from an ancient time, nobody

was an era where anyone could wear anything. There were other girls who enjoyed wearing clothing from her

this dress from?" someone suddenly called out to Yumeng and

considered a great beauty and her features were gorgeous. Even after being in deep sleep for so many years, her skin had not aged at all. So even though her body was actually very old, she still

this woman was way older than even their great grandmothers, their eyes might fall out

at herself. "Are you asking

right. Your dress is really pretty and you look so stylish in

girls who

who liked clothing from this era. So when

they simply had to stop and ask her about

these myself,"

"You made them yourself?"

a fashion designer?! Oh my god, that's

really amazing!

that. Yumeng was really surprised and at a loss. She never thought that


to walk on aimlessly. Every move she made was elegant and charming, making her look like

she walked on, she turned many heads. They were all surprised that such a fairylike woman still existed in

in her footsteps. She looked towards

expect someone I know to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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