Peter Pan knew that Jiang Ning was a very careful man who would think through every single possibility before taking action.

This wasn't something he liked to do. Using his brain required too much energy.

The wolves would be happy to hear him say this. They didn't like using their brains either.

"I was thinking of getting you to control them," said Jiang Ning. "After thinking about it, I still think it's better to wake them up. I have to make use of this source of power."

Peter Pan took a deep breath. "Humph, so you're going to be the good guy and I have to be the bad guy?"

"Master is not a bad guy!" interjected Jiang Yao immediately as she remained in Jiang Ning's arms.

Peter Pan immediately smiled. "Of course I'm not. I'm joking with your Daddy."

He glared at Jiang Hing. This fellow had purposely said this in front of Jiang Yao so as to make him agree to it.

"It's not a big problem for me to control those little bastards."

If he said he couldn't handle them, then Jiang Yao would look down on him!

"Also, they're all trained in different things and specialize in different moves," said Jiang Hing. "You can see if they've got anything good that they can teach Jiang Yao. You only have this one precious little disciple, so it's good if they can teach her more things."

when he saw that naughty look on Jiang Hing's face. This fellow was like a despicable merchant, trapping him

this. And even if he did, he was not going

Yao off Jiang Hing and scoffed, "Fine! I'll take care of my disciple! You're really good at being a hands

father doesn't think I have anything else to teach you, so let's show him what we've

is great! Second

"I'm the best!"

for now, okay?


number one! Best in

Ning couldn't

child. When he was playing with Jiang Yao, the two of them were just like

and his expression slowly calmed down. It was rather cold and

Greedy Wolf!

been sorting out the memories in his brain all this time, and he was sure that Greedy Wolf was doing the

had to

Demon King's memories to

understand more about the

He had to slowly sift through and pick out only the pieces

meaningful to him.

and the Demon King was the Demon King. The Demon King's objective and ambition was not necessarily the same as his, but if he wanted something, he was going to get it! He didn't mind using the power of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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