Immediately, Guan Yi's mood took a drastic turn.

"Stop him!" he roared and got his soldiers to rush forward and surround Jiang Ning while Guan Yi took this opportunity to retreat.

Guan Yi had never expected Jiang Ning to be this terrifying.

He wields such immense strength! It's no wonder Greedy Wolf fled too. Why did I provoke a fellow like him?

"Kill him! Kill him!" Guan Yi screamed as he pulled out his sword. "End his life right now!"

Following Guan Yi's orders, the swarm of soldiers surged toward Jiang Ning. Despite their overwhelming numbers, Jiang Ning had no intentions of retreating. They are all going to be dead meat! Without hesitation, Jiang Ning threw a punch that sent more than ten men hurtling into the air.


Upon Jiang Ning's ferocious punch, blood splattered


He resembled a wolf in a sheep's pen. With a single attack, the soldiers toppled like dominos.

As Jiang Ning continued to massacre his adversaries, crimson blood coated the floor as his victims' fearful wails echoed in the air. The entire scene looked like a picture straight out of hell. Guan Vi, who was watching from afar, felt a fearful shiver skitter down hisspine. Neverin his wildest dreams had he expected that Jiang Ning would be so ruthless all because Guan Vi had attempted to harm his daughter.

When Guan Vi raised his head, he locked gazes with Jiang Ning. The sharp gleam in Jiang Ning's eyes caused his heart to skip a beat.

Those eyes... They are filled with nothing but bloodthirstiness. It feels like he's threatening to swallow me alive!

Vi couldn't help but

than the now-deceased Yang Luo. All of a sudden, realization dawned upon Guan Vi. Things aren't going to according to plan; I've incurred the wrath of


"He's the true devil!"

comrades being sliced into half by Jiang Hing. Such a gory and bloodcurdling sight left the young fighters scared

Ning is the one who's

now, Jiang Ning was using them to vent

to mess with the person I love the most. Even God will not be safe from my

seconds, dismembered corpses littered

Guan Vi had been retreating. When he witnessed Jiang Ning's bloodbath, a palpable

whipped his head around to order his men, "Come and

the soldiers

encircle Guan Vi. Although he was in the middle

his safety still felt threatened. Truthfully, Guan Vi was ready to evacuate


his prestige

he fled in

was seething with resentment. His plans had been derailed because Greedy Wolf fled the scene instead of

battlefield, cries of anguish echoed in the air as Jiang Ning continued

daze, he found out that over one-third of his subordinates had been

my men

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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