He gave Tang Fang a tight slap, turning his head ninety degrees to the side. "Are you awake now?" Jiang Ning barked thunderously.

His voice boomed right beside Tang Fang's ears, and Tang Fang felt his head buzz. He stared at Jiang Ning dumbly as he tried to process what was happening in his head.

It was as if a voice was buzzing within him, making him feel light. Suddenly, Tang Fang realized that Greedy Wolf had told him something. However, he remembered Greedy Wolf talking, though there was no sound in it. All he could do was trace his lips and try to figure out what Greedy Wolf was saying.

"Jogged your memory, haven't you?" Jiang Ning looked at him. "Greedy Wolf told you where he went. You just didn't remember it. Now, do you recall?"

"I..." Tang Fang was flabbergasted, and he was confused about the whole situation. Did Greedy Wolf really tell me where he went? But when? When did he tell me that?

"How... How is this even possible?" Tang Fang was still wallowing in his disbelief.

"That is the power of the twin iris," Jiang Ning replied calmly. "Do you really think Greedy Wolf is that kind? Do you really think he'd go all friendly with you? He is just using you as a messenger. He wants to tell me something through you."

Jiang Ning pointed at Tang Fang's eyes, and within those eyes were the answers Jiang Ning desired.

Tang Fang was starting to get numb about the whole situation. He did not even react, for he could not understand how the whole situation had unfolded.

he told you, then you may live. Do not expect me to praise you for your loyalty. I

Ning was talking calmly, but the murder in

was not afraid of death, but he still shook with

the same time, in a palace deep

yet another palace of Demon King. At this point, nobody cared enough to count, but nobody would ever venture that deep into the Underworld either, nor did they have

was special, for

of the past Demon Kings. Most people would find that the demonic aura radiated from this place was unbearable. If their soul were

case scenario.

moment, Greedy Wolf was standing right before the tomb. "Now this is interesting, venturing so far deep just to

Demon King residing within him. After all, Demon King knew that Greedy Wolf wanted to kill

were merged as one after

Wolf. "Say, will you feel honored if I resurrected the

yours will work?" Demon King's voice said. The body's voices kept changing between Greedy

this spectacle, they might just die from the sheer horror of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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