Jiang Ning was suddenly reminded of the Demon King's words.

The Demon King had seen Jiang Ning's true colors, and he, too, had a dark side. That side of him radiated a demonic aura, which thrilled the Demon King so much that the demon chose to leave instead of hurting him.

The Demon King's taunting laugh rang in his ears. It was boisterous and boastful-the brazen laugh of a man who had unearthed a priceless treasure.

Is it because he is sure of his victory?

Jiang Ning's face clouded over at the thought of that.

Fear seized Jiang Ning as he watched the images on the water screen. It felt like the catastrophe had already become a reality.

Families falling apart, lost souls wandering aimlessly, children crying, people banished from their hometowns and dying on foreign land...

Jiang Ning shook his head vigorously.

"No, no, no. I can't let this happen, not over my dead body! I can't let this happen!" he swore.

His eyes reddened. Jiang Ning despised losing control of his emotions, but he could not help but get affected by the devastation shown in the images.

He had a high emotional capacity and was normally good at segregating others' feelings from his own, but even he could not stop the raw desolation from seeping into his bones.


himself. However, Jiang Ning was well aware that there was an omniscient presence, who

calling and shirk this

dissipated and the

afterward, his feet glued to the ground. Eventually, he took a

he was also shaken to the core by the gruesome scenes shown on the water

There would not be even a

of worst if that evil consumed him, which was probably why the Demon King

were inherently selfish. The Jiang Ning before had nothing to lose-even his life was of no value to him

the image of his daughter flitted across his mind, Jiang Ning knew that he could not a blind eye to the impending doom. How could he, when

after all. He yearned to protect his own, even at the

acknowledged that

would be the end of everything once the


Ning's personality did a

constantly solemn and seldom smiled. Clueless about what he had


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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