Peter Pan roared his battle cry. However, when he looked around, all he could see was the place in ruins. Even the grass-which had just grown-was erased into oblivion. Blood was splattered across the ground, and its foul stench still lingered in the air, waiting for the winds to take them away.

"Jiang Hing!" Peter Pan called out loudly.

"I'm right here," Jiang Ning answered his call.

Peter Pan ran over to where he was sitting, and he saw Jiang Ning right away. Naturally, he was worried about him, as the enemy was a formidable one. "How do you feel? And where are the others? Where's Yaoyao?"

He was starting to get nervous. If even Jiang Ning was injured, he could not imagine everyone else in a better state. Please, please, please, tell me they're fine. Tell me they're fine. "They're right over at the Longevity Pond," Jiang Ning answered. "And they're still alive."

Peter Pan only cared about the last part of the sentence. Once Jiang Ning said everyone was alive, he was instantly relieved. Good. They're all alive. That's great. That's great news. He didn't stay with Jiang Ning any longer. After all, Jiang Ning was the one he needed to worry about the least. However, it was not the same story for Jiang Yao and everyone else.

He darted over to the Longevity Pond as fast as he could. When he arrived, he saw Brother Gou and his lackeys lying in the Longevity Pond. They were drenched in blood, while their bodies were riddled with wounds, but they were still alive. Peter Pan feared up, and he gritted his teeth. "It's good to see you all alive. Really, it's great."

He stubbornly denied it whenever it was brought up, but Brother Gou and his lackeys were also his disciples as well. Peter Pan was upset to see his own disciples in such a state, and some of them were even on the verge of death. How useless am I? My own disciples almost died, and I couldn't even protect them.

Peter Pan, and

if Brother Gou called him master

red up even more. "Greedy Wolf, you b*stard! How dare you hurt my disciple!" Peter Pan was grinding his teeth furiously.

Peter Pan was trying to stand up forthem. At long last, Peter Pan had acknowledged them as

life force. You'll be all right. All of you will be just

sitting behind Brother Gou, and she greeted Peter

had exhausted her,

her eyes and took a closer look. When she realized it really was Peter Pan, she pounced into his embrace and started crying. "Mr. Gou

young girl, but she knew Brother Gou and everyone

was a gut-wrenching experience for him, and his heart went

me cry. This way, I can make more tears, and

almost crying himself. He wiped her tears away and looked at the pond. "But the pond's almost full now. Just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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