"No, I didn't, Master!" Lao Wu quickly explained, "I just feel like my whole body's starting to itch all of a sudden."

He would have started scratching all around, but the wound on his hand stopped him from doing so. His skin was starting to turn red, and Peter Pan could even see the pores opening up as if they were breathing.

Peter Pan had a look of surprise on his face. "How do you feel right now? Internally, I mean," he quickly asked Lao Wu.

"Itchy. Really itchy. It's like there are a million bugs crawling inside me. God, it's getting itchier. Can you scratch it for me, Master?" Lao Wu started squirming around because of the unbearable itch. Peter Pan was red with excitement, and he barked, "Don't move! This is a gosh darn miracle, you rascal! It's a miracle, you hear? How do y'all feel?"

"Now that you mention it, I dofeel a bit itchy too."

"Yeah, Master. I didn't feel it earlier, but now that you've said it, I'm starting to feel itchy too."

Their answers were obviously encouraging, much to Peter Pan's delight. "Good, good! Very good! This is great! In fact, it's fantastic news, I tell you!"

Peter Pan announced loudly, "Your bodies are undergoing a change as we speak."

He never expected the water to even have that effect. I guess this is a blessing in disguise for them. The change Peter Pan referred to was not one accomplished by willpower or human tech alone. It was a fundamental change that took place in their cells.

In other words, they were embarking on a path of power no human tech could achieve.

out to him once, then he waved

have to disturb him over this. What I

rascals. Calm down, and I mean that." Peter Pan told them, "And

upon a rare encounter, and they went into high focus the moment Peter Pan told them to calm down. It was an unpleasant feeling, but they had to endure it for Peter Pan told them it was a

to teach y'all

It can keep you awake and focused. I don't care how unpleasant it feels, but y'all are going to have to endure it and not move even a muscle, do you understand?" This is

"Yes, sir!"

Pan's teaching. None of them even joked about it, for

it no matter what. They had

to die in battle, and now they were blessed with a chance

strength because of

it, then their near-death experience would

fighter thought, and that mindset was slowly taking

Calming Sutra thanks to Peter Pan's teachings. They recited it silently as they closed their eyes to immerse themselves in the special


said nothing to them after that. As they slowly went into a state of meditation, he nodded at them, but his surprise was obvious. "This is

this was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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