They were nothing but specks in the great river of fate. Struggle all they might, but fate would never allow them to go against their own destinies.

"Innocent?" Greedy Wolf snorted. "There are a lot of innocent people on this earth. You can't possibly spare your pity for all of them. Look at us. Aside from the three of us, nobody from our generation survived."

He added, "Even if they are innocent, they will still have to die sooner or later. It makes no difference." He made it sound so simple as if he did not care about lives in the slightest. Greedy Wolf had seen through everything life had to offer, and even he didn't think he necessarily had the privilege to live.

If death was the price to pay for his goals, then he would gladly pay it. As mentioned before, he was a maniac. He was someone who would do anything to reach his goals, even if it meant paying his life for it. Not everyone could understand that level of insanity.

"You shouldn't do this, Greedy Wolf." matter what I do, the world will still spit on me. They will still curse me and my soul. Since that's the case, why shouldn't I do what I want and live how I want?" He laughed. It was a maniacal, crazy, and strangely mesmerizing laugh.

"What should I do then?" Greedy Wolf asked. "No

He stared at Yumeng straight in the eye and asked, "Tell me then, what should I do?"

Yumeng shook her head, for she had no answer to that as well. She knew the kind of person Greedy Wolf was. He had never changed even after all these years, nor would he start to change anytime soon.

"I want to change too, but do I even have that chance?" He laughed, but it was filled with mockery and sadness. "Even if I were to die, who would really care about me? You?"

"I shall help you."

said, "I need you to help me regain control of

for a

asked, "How

help with

Insanity flashed through Greedy Wolf's eyes. He knew the Demon King's soul

which would leave only one final resort: turning the soul into

is too powerful. If you clash head-on with it, the plan could backfire on you." She shook her

had vastly changed compared to the time when he was in the Heavenly Palace. He was no longer in

Ning injured

slumber. This is my only chance," Greedy Wolf said. He was obsessed with the mission

in the eye. "So,

to help me, or will you stay

of this?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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