"Why did you bring me here? What is the purpose?" Yumeng looked at Greedy Wolf.

She was being curious, for this place seemed like the furthest thing from where something filled with life would be hidden. Greedy Wolf wanted to live, and she wondered why he came to a dead place instead. "I need you to cast Guidance and lead all the spirits here to me. Then, I want you to inject them into my body." Greedy Wolf looked at her.

"Are you out of your mind?" Yumeng shook her head. "You're practically asking for death!"

Shock was written all over her face, and she started diving deep into the auras that lingered within the sandstorm. It was then she realized that there were spirits hidden in it, and there was a lot of it as well. Even injecting a spirit or two into Greedy Wolf would kill him at a quicker rate, let alone shoving allthe spirits into him. She shook her head, for she could never possibly agree to this plan. "You won't be able to get out of this alive if you go through with this. This is madness. I will not help you with this."

She wanted to leave right away, for this plan was not in any way saving Greedy Wolf's life.

"I know full well what I'm signing up for, and even if I'd die, I want to die on my terms, which is by your hands." Greedy Wolf said, "Please, Yumeng, help me."

Yumeng stopped in her tracks and looked at him. "Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? The Demon King's soul now shares a body with you. If you open your body to any more spirits, you will break down."

There was only one outcome left for Greedy Wolf if he chose that route, and that was death. He must be crazy if he thinks he can survive the ordeal. He's mad. He has to be. Nobody would do this by their own. volition.

King were to take total control of my body, the

and she knew what was at stake. That was why she was in a dilemma. She did

Demon King and I will both perish, and the world will be safe. It's a

not understand why Greedy Wolf had to do it. If he had chosen another path from the start, he wouldn't have had to do this. However, she knew he wouldn't do that. Greedy Wolf

you want to do

nodded. "And you're the only one who can help me,

madman until the very end. He was a madman who had no fear for even death, the most primordial fear any

her eyes filled with resolve. "You

deep breath and said

a nod before he went to prepare himself for the

There were countless spirits

were roaring with rage, struggling to break free

who could see them. It was a terrifying sight, but Greedy

person who was not daunted by even death would have nothing else to fear. "We're starting soon,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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