It was a ferocious battle, to say the least, and none of the fighters came out unscathed. Even so, it was the best possible outcome, since nobody lost their lives in the fight. Jiang Ning did not want to see any of his friends dying ever again, but he knew they only got out alive due to sheer dumb luck. They might not be this lucky next time.

The Demon King must die, and by Jiang Ning's hands as well. That was the best outcome, for the threat would be neutralized, and none of them would have to live in fear fortheir own lives ever again.

It was crucial that Jiang Ning stayed calm. He had to get even more powerful to face the upcoming fight. Aside from delving deeper into formations lines, he had to figure out what the white light was. If he could use it however he wanted, sending the Demon King to his demise would not be a problem for him anymore.

He closed his eyes to calm his raging soul so he could enter the state of clear mind. He needed to calm down, to be so focused he could bore a hole through a wall. He needed to see within him, to know how his body worked. He must know what the white light in his dantian was.

At the same time, the Demon King was still on the run. Even after he escaped the Heavenly Palace, he kept spewing blood as he ran.

The injuries he sustained were serious. He never expected Jiang Ning to show a sudden surge in strength, but more importantly, he wondered what that white light was. What did that old git in the Heavenly Palace give him?

Just like Jiang Ning, the Demon King had no answer to that question as well, but there was one thing he was sure about. If that light could harm him, then it was possible that it could kill him.

around. The Demon King started spewing blood again, and all the

seen. Good. He didn't come after me.

had escaped. He did it the first time he went into a fight against Jiang Ning, and he ran away again for the same reason the second time. It was as if he was cursed to run away

he sustained. Jiang Ning had managed to damage his organs,

powerful punch. How did he even learn that with his technique? This is unbelievable." The Demon King thought it was preposterous that Jiang Ning managed to gain such power. He knew about the Extreme Fist

just to take him down. It was as if fate itself had decreed that Jiang Ning would be the one destined to stop the Demon King from achieving his own

kill him." The Demon King gritted his teeth and glared ahead coldly. At that moment, he made it his mission to kill Jiang Ning, and he would

years, he never cared about anything in the world. He thought nobody could possess the power to stop him, but Jiang Ning

Demon King couldn't hold it in anymore, and he spewed more blood. That drained what

as heavy as a mountain. Sh*t. This is not good. I've been heavily wounded. Too heavily wounded. "Oh? So you're dying, huh?" Greedy Wolf's voice suddenly popped

that I'm awake from my slumber, I have to seize

Ning, he burst into a peal of maniacal laughter. "You got your a*s handed to you, and you call yourself the Demon King? Oh my God,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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