Even Eastern Lake suffered from a few cases of violent outbreaks.

Huang Yuming had been busy breaking up fights one after another, some of them among his own men.

He could clearly sense that something was amiss as his men were usually able to control themselves.

Despite being hot-tempered, they knew what they shouldn't do and would never let their conflicts escalate into fist fights.

However, it seemed as if the chains of morality and legality that kept them under control have been broken.

They were all acting impulsively on their negative thoughts like someone was inciting them to do so.

In fact, even Huang Yuming found himself having urges from time to time. The harder he tried hard to keep them suppressed, the stronger the urges became.

"What on earth is going on here?"

Fortunately, he was able to keep himself under control through his great willpower, whereas those who weren't mentally strong enough succumbed to their negative emotions almost instantly. "Have you managed to contact Jiang Hing?" Tan Xing asked with a frown.

An old man of his age no longer had any desires nor ambitions, so he was hardly affected at all.

other hand, had their desires and ambitions amplified so much that they would do

truly a

and the others from Extreme Martial Arts Academy had to work together with the legal authorities in order to contain the chaos in

completely out of hand if those from the legal authorities ended up

sent people looking for him in Kunlun. Fang Qiu is on the case. This is all very strange. What on earth

himself with a tranquilizer

news and saw

darkness! Wars will break out everywhere, and countless people are going to die because of it! I can't even imagine how scary

citizens of

working stable

all that much. As a result, the situation there was a lot better compared to the other cities

usual, some of those who lost their temper was quick to realize it and apologize before a fight broke out. Unfortunately, the

Jiang Ning struggled to focus on his thoughts

one point, he opened his eyes and glanced in the

going on? I feel like

and headed over to the Longevity Pond where Brother Gou,

he told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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