Chapter 311

After waiting for a while, there was no reply from Daniel.

Winona was a little disappointed.

However, she quickly perked up and sent the photo to Rose, the chairman of the Painting Association.

Rose was an internationally renowned oil painting master with far–reaching influence. When Winona was young, she even wanted Rose to be her teacher. Rose also liked Winona’s painting talent very much. She had originally said that she would take her in as her student after testing her. Unfortunately, Rose ran to Layfield the next day.

After that, there was no news from her. Rose never mentioned taking her in as a student again.

After sending the photo over, Winona dialed a number and said respectfully and modestly, “Mrs. Liebsig, I don’t know if you are busy. Sorry to disturb you.” Rose was almost 70 years old this year, but her body was still very strong, and her words were full of energy.

“It is not considered disturbing when it comes to painting.” Rose went on to praise Winona. “Your skills have improved, Winona, and you have captured the emotions very well. Impressive.”

Winona said modestly, “I still have much to learn.”

Rose sighed and shook her head. “It’s already rare for someone of your age to have such outstanding skills. I’ve lived for so long and seen countless children. with talent in painting. There are only two who have such skills.”

This was an incredible praise.

Rose had been famous internationally for a long time, and her prestige was extremely high. No matter where she went, she would be respectfully called a master. Being praised by her like this, even Winona, who was always level–headed, couldn’t help but be excited.

After stabilizing her trembling voice, Winona said, “Mrs. Liebsig, you’re too kind. But I’m very curious.

Who is the other one?”

“You know who it is.” Rose’s tone became more amiable. “It’s Sketcher.”

Sketcher was not a real name. She was a genius painter who appeared out of nowhere a few years ago. H

oil painting technique was the pinnacle. She had only painted a few paintings and had not even shown her face. No one knew what she looked like or what her name was.

However, her appearance had an epoch–making significance and far–reaching impact.

There were very few people who studied techniques too much in traditional oil sume they were all didamind of i

However Sketcher was extremely addicted to this and flaunted her skills crazily.

but skva dur a hangost this evaluation she gave her paintings a dynamic feeling. Now that Nok like a photo, but

and the coordination of light and shadow were simply to the point of perfection. Just as the oil painting world thought that they would welcome a rising star, Sketcher gave up on painting. She said that her painting was emotionless and could not be considered

Sketcher said that she was a sketcher did not mean

significance and had a

somewhat imitated what Sketcher was doing, wanting

Sketcher’s, Winona was so excited that she was incoherent. “Mrs. Liebsig, is what you said true?

clutched her chest. She needed to take a

“You already have 60% of her ability.” After saying that, Rose suddenly smiled and said in a mysterious tone, “I have

news?” Winona was curious.

She has already promised to be one of the judges that day.”

I’ll introduce you to her. You’re about the same age

spoke, the more she felt that this possibility was

was really similar to Winona’s. They were both a little cold,

© +5 vouchers

the call. Winona held the phone and was in a daze. The upturned corners of her mouth never came down.

know her idol, Sketcher, Winona was overjoyed.


a long time, she finally saw the message Daniel had sent

raced as though she was

and opened WhatsApp. The first thing she saw was the

not as good as

her lips and

of information away angrily and rubbed his

the folders on the ground one by one

his gaze landed on the folders. There was a hint of

the information and looked at every photo, but he could not


the girl looked like. He only remembered that she

because it had been so long, these photos had already turned yellow and blurry.

every photo carefully. Unfortunately, he could

with the girl, you

slender arm on the table, revealing a few diamond cuffs

his expression was cold. “Let’s put this matter aside for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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