Chapter 339

Elena returned to the dressing room and picked up the white gown that Bettany had thrown to the ground.

She looked regretful. “She really doesn’t have good taste. This is a custom–made gown by Bosman. It’s the only gown in the world.”

Every item in the dressing room was of the highest quality. Any one of them could easily cost one hundred thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars.

The high–end designs were all tailor–made. There was no way to buy high–end fashion at the mall. At most, there were ready–made clothes sold there.

Because there was not enough time, Olivin asked Bettany to go to her dressing room to pick because the charity gala was tomorrow,

Unexpectedly, Bettany did not take a fancy to them.

Elena pursed her lips and told Olivia everything about Bettany’s actions.

Olivia’s expression was indifferent. She did not take Bettany’s matter to heart at all. She only listened for a moment and let it go.

Elena did not understand. “Miss Taylor, Bettany has a bad temperament. Why did you introduce her to Mrs. Licbsig?”

Olivia said nonchalantly, “Even if she has a bad temperament, it doesn’t affect her painting. As long as she doesn’t do evil, it’s fine. Artists are more sensitive in their emotions. It’s a good thing. Without great joys and sorrows in life, how can one create outstanding works?”

Elena could not help but twitch her lips. According to Olivia’s words, wouldn’t Bettany’s life be filled with Jumps and turns?

Bettany arrived at the largest mall nearby. She had the card Rose had given her.

Bettany didn’t dare to abuse it, but it was still possible to buy an expensive gown. the

casually walked into a luxury store that she didn’t even dare to approach in the he casually flipped through the tags of the clothes. Four zeros. 20 thousand dollars. ettany’s heart trembled a little, but the card in her hand gave her courage. he pretended to be calm as she looked around. She looked at the gowns one by one and frowned.


was really strange. The clothes there were so expensive, but they didn’t look as good as the clothes in livia’s dressing room.

here were flaws everywhere.

ettany visited several boutiques and spent 64 thousand dollars on a beautiful white fishtail dress that aly just passed in her eyes.

dress, this one was far inferior

it be that expensive clothes do not

ttany felt strange.

high heels, she spent almost 80

did not dare to buy a bag. Although Rose’s family was

family. She did not dare to spend

80 thousand dollars was enough to make Bettany’s heart

money was enough to buy an 860–square–foot house in her hometown. tany could not


came out to buy it.

be unhappy after I spent so much money?

her phone and called Rose. She said timidly, “Mrs. Liebsig, the Taylor family doesn’t have any clothes or shoes suitable for me, so I came out to buy them. I’m too embarrassed to ask them to foot

not care at all. “Didn’t I give you a

comfort Bettany, she added, “You are very talented, Bettany. One day, you will be even better than me. Then, you can buy clothes for me.

Bettany completely relaxed.

she was looking forward to

that one day, she would be even better than her.

feel excited. “When that time comes, will I be able to be like Olivia and look down at everyone from above and find a man like Daniel? she thought excitedly.

it, the more excited she became. The


family’s villa, Bettany wanted to find Elena to

is Elena?” Bettany asked.

respectfully, “Elena is in the

go look for

her, but she was not.

“Elena, I have bought the clothes. Can ou help

still have some things to do. You can have the servant take look

that, she pulled her hand out of Bettany’s.

Bettany was at

time Bettany went to look for eana,

the same as before. Her attitude did not change, but it made her feel stant from her for no reason.

but strangers who were a little familiar

charity auction was considered a charity event in the upper–class society of Evervale. It was held nost every year, and the

established by a few upper–class ladies in Evervale. As they were not short of ney, the donations they raised were all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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