Chapter 230

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Hesthetized to see clearly.

family were not fools. They could see the deeper meaning behind


le were strange and inespected. If one did not see the consequences, no one would be able to

when che lanke Winner’s wrist, everyone thought that it was a simple grudge. The two seunder, moved to light, and even agreed to a painting competition because of Daniel. Hought test &siteia was simply giving Winona a lesson.

Purepectedly, he had set up such a huge trap behind the scenes.

tuan spending a single soldier or a single cent, she used the power of the Manson family to

made the Smith family famous and make the reputation of the Smith Hospital rise to another

when Olivia treated Amelia’s body, everyone saw that the Smith family’s connections could Prestimated. Now, they completely reappeared in front of the world.

tu addition, treating Winter’s wrist injury made the Smith family completely famous in the domestic medical industry as well as the upper–class society.

This woman was really impressive.

Every step she too was steady and sudden. No one could guess what she would do next. Even if they wanted to stage her, they had nowhere to start.

In fact, all along, the Watson, the Holmes, and even the Grant family never believed in her abilities. They were all waiting to see her make a fool of herself and how she would defeat the Smith family.

thespectedly, she not only didn’t let the Smith family decline but instead made it even more prosperous. This was also the reason why First Elder did not snatch it directly. Instead, he used Jarron to take back the Smith family.

Easily bullied Clicis led already revealed her strength, and the Smith family was no longer the family that could be

Since they could not snatch it by force, they could only follow and support it.

Thistisia Robert, the head of the Watson family, leaned back on the sofa with a cigar between his fingers. The smoke blocked his eyes, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly. They could only hear his words. “She’s truly someone chosen through layers of trials. We can’t underestimate her.”

Larson, the head of the Holmes family, nodded in agreement. He also felt that Olivia was impressive. Her lace and nurture her well. aleming methods were top–notch. If she was the Holmes family’s member, he would definitely keep her

Grant Family However, it was a pity that such a good talent did not know any better and insisted on going against the

If she knew some things and was willing to lower her head, the Smith family would definitely be able to regain some of its former glory, not to mention flourishing in her hands.

Unfortunately, this young woman was too arrogant. She did not understand the concept of challenging a Formidable force and insisted on fighting against the Grant family.

She would destroy herself sooner or later.

Since it had nothing to do with him, Larson said a few words of pity and put it aside to divert his

Billionaire’s Missing Darling


Chapter 350

too mesmerized to see clearly.

Holmes family were not fools.

Olivia’s actions.

really not to be

strange and unexpected. If one did not see the consequences, no one

broke Winona’s wrist, everyone thought that it was a simple grudge. The two women had a grudge, moved to fight, and even agreed to a painting competition because of Daniel. Everyone

up such a huge trap

of the Manson family to completely make the Smith family famous and make the reputation of the Smith Hospital rise to another level in the medical

could not be underestimated. Now, they completely

treating Winona’s wrist injury made the Smith family completely famous in the domestic medical


guess what she would do next. Even if

the Watson, the Holmes, and even the Grant family never believed in her abilities. They were all waiting

the reason why First Elder did

and the Smith family was no longer the

it by force, they could only

his fingers. The smoke blocked his eyes, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly. They could only hear his words. “She’s truly someone chosen

Holmes family, nodded in agreement. He also felt that Olivia was impressive. Her scheming methods were top–notch. If she was the Holmes family’s

good talent did not

to lower her head, the Smith family would definitely be able to

this young woman was too arrogant. She did not understand the concept of challenging a

would destroy herself sooner or

had nothing to do with him, Larson said a few words of pity and put it aside


Billionaire’s Missing Darling

+5 vouchers

was in full

participate in the preliminary round. As long as the judges recommended them, they could

was recommended by Mrs. Liebsig, so she didn’t need to participate in the preliminary round. Originally, the judges were all decided by the Manson family. However, after Daniel interfered, there were a few more judges from Painting Association. The competition process was more standardized, and the Manson family did not have much space to control.

Daniel did not interfere much and did not personally select the judges, he

that enough? Didn’t you want to guarantee Miss Taylor’s

the door and looked down casually. His expression was lazy, but

Ellis’s question, he sneered.

to bribe the judges like the Manson family did, nor did he

only needed to guarantee a fair environment for Olivia.

use her absolute strength to beat her opponent into submission.


a total of 20 people

were either famous young painters or outstanding people who had made it out

second lounge, some people were looking at the semi–finals

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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