Chapter 107+

It was not as easy as Vivian thought. She wanted in do it herself, but she couldat stand being inside for up getting out nauseous.

Of course, she thought it was all because ofher pregnancy, so it made sense. Then she decided to gra supervise from outside.


and ended

Drinking too much coffee was had for the baby. She knew that but the problem was, she hadn’t made up her mi whether she wanted this kid or not. As time passed and her pregnancy symptoms became more apparent, she still had m decided whether to keep it or not.

After weighing the pros and cons, she decided not to keep it, at least not for non, But Julian wanted the baby. He really did. So if she had an abortion directly, their relationship would probably end up in trouble, but if she didn’t

Ugh. That’s so annoying! she complained inwardly

Her phone buzzed. She thought it was Julian asking her where she was, but when she picked up the phone, she saw Mike’s number which made her feel anxious for no reason.

She instinctively looked around and was relieved that no one was there. Then she put down her coffee cup and walked to a quiet corner in the hallway before she answered the phone, “Hey?”

“Honey, did you miss me?” Mike’s teasing voice came through with a hint of mischief.

Vivian was a bit choked up.

“Yes, of course. I missed you! I wish you could show up in front of me right now. But I can’t stop you from pursuing art so I can only miss you in the dark.” They were intimate enough for her to know what Mike wanted to hear and what he didn’t.

“Really?” He sounded genuinely happy. “What are you doing right now!”

Tm in the lab. The formula is too important so I have to do it myself. And I can’t let your hard work go to waste. She flattered him and prepared to gain some benefits, so she said gently. I think these two new products will become bestsellers I’m even planning to take them to the annual perfume competition this year. By the way, will you be attending!”

through her directly. “Are you asking if I’ll be one of

Vivian was awkward.

it, there was no need for her to

want this?” Mike asked,

his words and her eyes instantly lit up. “Is it real? You will actually become

them would be hired from abroad, and the

was practically impossible to bribe the judges in

be so lucky! With Mike as the judge, winning the award


by leveraging his connectiong sit over other julger coupled with the

made used on his braila, wing first place would be a beerzet

eye, she analyzed all the posilalities Stir felt like

Mon, Feb 5

Chapter 107

have to seize every opportunity!” Mike said meaningfully and then


a message came in with an address. It was in Sunville, not

instant, Vivian understood his words. He’s here she

held the phone, while her wrist tembled uncontrollably. She never expected

be there

this before. It was not that she was unwilling to do so, but that she felt a little numb at the thought of lus energy

were not in Kocaville In Surville, I might run into acquaintances by going out. Besides, Julian is still

nonchalant, but when it came to actions, he was ruthless. If she didn’t go, it would be like rejecting him. Then she could forget about

future benefits

And no matter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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