121 Unraveling Tensions

In the dimly lit hospital room, Lillian lay in her bed, a storm of emotions brewing within her. Ever since Alex had cut her off financially, she felt the crushing weight of isolation. It dawned on her that Alex’s actions were not just about discipline but a clear message of where his loyalties lay – with Emma. The realization stung, igniting a fiery blend of fear and resentment towards Emma.

“You’ve got a family event tonight. Alex will be there. Despite the recent coldness, he’s still your brother. Blood is thicker than water, after all. Try to mend fences, will you?” Michelle’s voice broke through Lillian’s tumultuous thoughts, her tone a mix of weariness and hope.

Lillian’s heart sank further at the mention of the family gathering. The thought of facing Alex, who had seemingly disowned her for Emma, was daunting. Yet, the mention of Emma attending the banquet sparked a glimmer of a plan in Lillian’s mind – a chance to turn the tables.

“Mom, I’ll go. Maybe it’s time Alex and I cleared the air. But tell me, will Emma be there?” Lillian inquired, masking her brewing scheme with a veil of innocence.

Michelle’s expression tightened at the mention of Emma, a thorn in the family’s side. “Possibly. Her ventures have been thriving lately,” she replied, her tone laced with an unspoken frustration.

back in the family fold, was not particularly thrilled about attending. She had always preferred the quiet, focused work behind the scenes to the flashy social gatherings. However, the prospect of connecting with the Southern Group was too

their grand entrance, the room’s energy shifted. Murmurs filled the air, everyone’s gaze magnetically drawn to them. Emma, stunning and poised, and Wayne, ever the charismatic

and commanding, was impossible to ignore. Nathan, standing by Alex, couldn’t help but remark

true worth sooner, things might have been different,” Nathan mused, a reflective tone

might–have–beens. Emma’s bond with Wayne, evident in their close interaction, sparked a pang of jealousy and regret in

whispered theories about Emma’s relationship with Wayne. The sight of them so close, so in tune with each other, fueled

evening wore on, Alex found himself grappling with a tumult of feelings. The realization of Emma’s unwavering strength and grace, even in the

quiet corner of the banquet hall, Alex confronted Nathan, seeking clarity. “What do people

121 Unraveling Tensions

desperate need for understanding in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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