Chapter 271 Held as Hostage

Wyatt arrived at the Russell Group as expected.

With a fair and youthful appearance, he spoke politely and endeared himself to many of the employees. Since Josie was giving him a personal tour of the Russell Group office, people naturally became curious about his identity.

Who is this?

Josie handed Wyatt a glass of water in the pantry. “We’ll be working together from now on,” she said. “I hope we get along well.”

Wyatt, who was involved in venture capital, wasn’t part of the design department. He smiled warmly and accepted the cup from Josie. “Thank you, Josie,” he said.

Josie felt her heart race. “You can call me Ms. Warren. Let’s keep things professional in the office.”

Wyatt slowly nodded his head.

However, Josie would find a cup of hot coffee on her desk every day at the office.

Alice was also feeling confused. “It’s not me,” she said.

realized that it had been

sticky note at her table that read, ‘I don’t drink coffee in the morning. Thank for

wasn’t a cup of coffee on her table the


the meeting room. Josie and Wyatt were both present, and the project involving the residents of Althem City was assigned

receptionist burst into the room, her voice shaking. “Ms. Warren,” she stammered, “there’s someone here

her gaze steady on the receptionist. “Who is it?”

head, her eyes awash with conflicting emotions. “I’m not sure who he is,” she said, “but he was insistent on seeing you. He brought something a…”

people started screaming at the top of their lungs. The knife pointed at Wyatt, and Josie felt her

continued, “…

stood up and walked over to the door. As she got closer, she saw the person standing behind the

from his lips. His buzz cut was unkempt, and his face showed the wear and tear

illusion was shattered

man. The glint of the knife in his hand made

was thick with painful silence, Josie pulled Wyatt away. “I am,”

bruising grip. The man’s knife hovered just inches from Josie’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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