Chapter 335 Made Known

“Whatever As long as it’s not poisonous Arnold replied amiably.

Andy sensibly escorted the others out of the ward and closed the door, leaving Josie and Arnold in the warst

Arnold’s organs were injured, so he couldn’t cat on his own. He turned to look at Josie and said, “I have not caten. Can you feed me?”

Josie gnashed her teeth in annoyance. I’m not your servant. With that, she stood up and was about to press the help button.

“Hey, hey!” Arnold winced in pain and quickly stopped Josic. Fine, I’ll eat myself” Then, he glanced at her and said. “You’ve stayed by my side for two days, yet you’re acting like a stranger now that I woke up. Are

you shiv?”

Josie smirked. “I stayed here the past two days because your secretary wouldn’t let me leave. I didn’t want to be implicated just in case you died. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come.

Arnold was not annoyed by Josie’s insouciant behavior, Instead, he asked with a smile, “Did he threaten you?”

“Of course


Josie was at a loss for words. “I-He just coerced

feigned an innocent look. “Well, if you insisted on leaving, he could do nothing either. So,

it she wasn’t exactly guilty. She shrugged and said. “If you died, the police might involve me in the investigation. I don’t want to get into trouble.”

something, Josie asked, “You should be a skillful driver. Why did you drive into.

remained nonchalant. “No big

abdomen was stabbed with a dagger, which caused excessive bleeding! Josie was angry at Arnold’s insouciant attitude as if he

see… I heard someone donated blood for me. I wonder who

him, knowing he was intentionally

it was you.” Arnold beamed

Carter!” Josie was so exasperated that she grabbed a pillow from the couch and was about to it

Andy walked in and saw the scene. He gasped and quickly stopped Josie. “Ms. Warren,




calm down!”

sat on the couch in silence.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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