Chapter 44 DANE I … might ? I said .

The words sounded choked .

She nodded .

Then she took my hand and tugged me toward the table .

Something gripped my heart when she put her hand in mine and led me to the table .

Something fierce and proud and stronger than Id ever felt in my life .

I had held them earlier , when I pulled them from the house .

But there hadnt been time .

It was life or death , and I was worried about Piper .

Now , there was nothing to distract me from these two except Margie putting a donut and milk in front of me , too .

As if I was also four , and not the billionaire Alpha of a massive pack .

Margie , I said .

I wasnt sure if I was saying her name in warning , or in helplessness .

I didnt know what to do with two four year old children .

Shes right , the old cook said .

Have a donut .

I sat across from them , really taking them in for the first time .

There was no way to stop seeing it , now that I looked .

Auroras Chapter 44 wide eyes in the girls face .

My frown on the boys .

2/7 She wouldnt say it , and I was still waiting for the results to come back on the samples Piper brought me , but they were mine .

I knew more deeply than Id ever known anything in my life .

Youre … Seraphina , I said to the girl .

Then I turned to her brother .

And youre Tristan .

Seraphina nodded .

Tristan whispered loudly , We arent supposed to tell him .

Then he turned narrowed eyes on me again .

What arent you supposed to tell ? I asked .

I couldnt help the slight smile that crept over my face .

Instead of answering , he glowered .

You said mean words to our mommy .

mention of Aurora

They were mine .

kept them from me

should be

about what shed said to me

you gave me for the three years we we years we

thought I was … what

Except her .

, Id given into

myself to be a monster to her , because I thought she was a monster

surprised that she had kept them , and

from me .

I thought someone might treat my children the way I treated her for those years

at how old they were , thinking of

, was she ? Maybe she should

all , her pack had taken my

you are ? I asked

were napping ,

needs to

smile curved one corner of

on , I said to

going on

we have some

Chapter 44 4/7 Once Danes beta , Archer , showed us to our rooms , and

was back in Blue Ridge

the city penthouse like


time , I was a guest , and Dane was

couldnt tell how that

couldnt stop

crumbled around us , theyd gone right for Piper , just like I watched them go for Connall

fight them as the house

, the amulet at my throat glowed , and theyd turned transparent , like normal shadows , and

I wasnt the chosen

made that clear

to be that the amulet had

way I was giving it up

: Danes family was

, now his sister

I grabbed the journal off the shelf and


44 still missing

did they say ? What came next ? 5/7 Because now that we knew who the key was Evelyn , apparently we needed to push forward

needed to ,

back , but … might it ? From what wed read , the thing we were

it would bring magic

have to hide in fear of

just exist

that would be strong enough

I could have everything

Stay Luna heir .

of a pack in my own right , Dane couldnt take my

and he already had

the journal back

rubble , and it

, the back cover shifted

it to see if it was damaged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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