Chapter 49 AURORA The next morning , I finally found Dane .

He was in his home office , a room filled with heavy , masculine furniture and dark wood .

He leaned over his desk , writing something .

I paused in the doorway when I saw him , caught for a moment in the memory of the dream .

Of the way he wanted me in that place .

The way he claimed me without hate .

If only I could stop myself from having those dreams , I might be able to stop wishing he would love me .

I knocked politely on the door frame , and he looked up .

I thought I saw something dark flash in his eyes .

Something like … desire .

Then it was gone .

Aurora , he said in a polite tone .

How can I help you ? Its about yesterday .

His face hardened , but I continued .

When I found you with the children , I was actually looking for you for another reason .

The hardness faded and he looked at me with curiosity .

Really ? What reason is that ? Chapter 49 The journal .

Part of the back inside cover peeled up , and I found more writing .

I think this is more complicated than we realized .

2/6 Dane set down his pen and turned to face me fully .

He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against his desk .

Complicated in what way ? I lifted the book .

I can show you .

He gestured for his desk , and I moved forward to stand next to him .

I showed him where the cover paper had peeled away , and how there was writing beneath .

I showed him the symbols that had revealed themselves to me .

There are three , I said .

And it speaks of shadows and a prison or cage .

I think thats why were under attack .

Because were getting close to the thing that contains the relic , and the shadows are trying to stop us .

Hm .

Whoever buried this power didnt want anyone else to have it .

Typical .

I nodded .

be some sort of trial

way ,

Theres only one problem

down at me , his arms

shadows arent

my family

? Chapter 49 3/6 I glanced up

easy to get caught in his eyes , to sink in and drown in

I dont know .

was hoping the two pages that are

she was toying with you by just giving you one

Ive considered it .

not sure

thinks this journal is an

silly , full of

important than a coloring book

theres no way shed let me have

Dane nodded .

Still .

and just be holding them

She might .

the house , lost

Mm .

say more ,

both lost in the memories of what happened the last time

broke the

Ill go .

going , I protested

Its my book .

My old home .

He sighed .

go with you

Bring Trajan .

Ill bring Archer .

four of us should be a match for an old ,

, Ill have guards comb the area Chapter 49 and make sure no Reeds are waiting in ambush


was … casier than I expected it to be

cut away

you want you want , Aurora , when what you

I snorted .

words were a trap that would lead to

going to fall into

Not today .

should we go

He glanced outside .

sky bright and blue and warm


the scouts to begin

and went to leave

Then I paused .

Dane .

Piper ? He met my

, Im sure he looked like the same stoic

his eyes , the

The same .

to the relic , finding it may help them ,

help them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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