Chapter 112 DANE My lips hovered over hers , but she didnt melt into me .

She didnt relax .

I had a feeling if I kissed her , she would let me .

But I didnt know if she would kiss me back .

The uncertainty felt like a wall between us when there hadnt been one before Holden stole her from me .

I let my lips hover over hers a moment longer , hoping that she would complete the kiss .

She didnt .

So , I pulled back .

Aurora wouldnt say what Holden had done .

But she was wrong about what shed said .

I didnt have to know what hed done to know I was going to kill him .

Pack war or not , the next time I saw him would be his death .

Danc ? Aurora asked .

There was something hesitant in her voice .

Something that expected me to lash out .

Something that expected pain .

2/5 Chapter 112 Your body is yours , Aurora .

Do you think rejection is so rare for me that I cant tell when a woman doesnt want to kiss me ? Rejection was extremely rare for me if I was being honest .

In fact , I dont know if I had ever been rejected in my life .

That didnt mean I was an idiot .

Aurora lowered her gaze .

I just … Her breath caught .

Its better we dont .

Anger seared through me as I watched her with this new carefulness , this new fear , and I thought of Holden again .

I wanted to kill something , but I had nothing to kill .

would burn the world

beat through me with every pounding heartbeat , but I

Wrap it tightly .

Store it away .

events of the last weeks made my blood boil , she would comfort

my own feelings

emotions were my own to control

to channel into something I could

, she didnt need my violence

needed another kind of

rarely used

my life and brought the twins ,

Gentleness .

woman had been through hell , and now she was frozen Chapter

was because she had suddenly decided while in Holdens company that she didnt

could believe what made more sense : that

hand from her chin to her cheek , ruffling her hair as I pressed my palm there , then

this : I want

am fucking desperate

But youre right .

better if we

she looked up at

lilac eyes were already lined with red , and now

… of

didnt think you would agree this

youd be

Im not upset .

you not want space after what he did ? Her

because he … She coughed

you arent making

struck me

I want


She looked away .

I know .

Thats the problem .

… I

, take me

to hear whats been done to find Seraphina and

AURORA 4/5 Dane Montague had changed

upon a time , even rejecting his kiss would

cold toward me

be understanding ? I pressed my head into his back as he

me next to the river , under

think he had wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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