Chapter 128 AURORA I went stiff in Danes arms , but he wasnt having it .

Look at me .

He tilted my face up to his .

Ive got you .

I will never ask you to be with me if you dont want to .

But if you do ….

you choose .

You choose .

Danes words echoed through my soul , giving me freedom .

Holdens magic was trying to close over me again , I could feel it .

And I could still feel the commands in place that prevented me from speaking to Dane or anyone else about being bonded to Holden .

But for this moment , without knowing it , Dane seemed to have loosened my tormentors hold on me and given me my choice back .

I didnt think it would last , and I didnt understand how he had done it .

Maybe he was just a stronger Alpha .

Maybe this was part of the gift the goddess had given him .

Or maybe theres more .

A deeper connection .

Something that binds you to him beyond magic , beyond time , beyond suffering … Chapter 128 2/5 The thought came to me out of nowhere .

I brushed it aside .

If I examined it too closely … There was some hope that was too painful to hold on to , even for me .

But there was a problem .

Because even with my freedom , I couldnt be with Dane .

I was still under Holdens control , and there were still the shadows .

So , even though I could choose , even though in this moment , I was free , I had to do the hardest thing I had ever done .

I put my hands on either side of Danes face , and I kissed him slowly .

His fingers tightened on my hips once again .

His lips were soft against mine .

Seeking .

Soothing .

him to take me to his bed and lay me down and heal everything broken inside me with those

and the gentleness that made me ache in places

he hadnt just somehow given me the freedom to say yes to him

as I pulled back

contact between our

looked up at him through my I hated the breath I inhaled as I said , I want you ,

But I lashes .

take this


His eyes flashed

wolf , waiting and dangerous

we ? You said the choice was mine

to choose something you didnt want

you safe

want our

the only


This matters .

We matter .

you feel

Im half fucking empty

I looked away .

, but it wouldnt help either of us to

gathered every bit of willpower I had and forced myself to step

, almost surprised to remember we were still in

stood next to Evanders bed , and he still slept

distance ,

everything figured out

but I

no matter

, he said

if youre so damn worried about protecting me ? I couldnt even speak , so I just

, he

dont know what happened Chapter

believe it was 4/5 because


still trust you

if I seem to have every reason in

, You , or any

woman ? I asked



What was it .

as I remembered Evanders warning before

Reeds have

Evander said so .

more , but he was dying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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