Chapter 145 AURORA I fout him , my mind pulling back from everything this creature was , everything it wanted from me .

But he leaned over me , grinned , and inhaled .

Black smoke rose from my chest and curled into a ball of black obsidian that hung between us , like a dark mirror image of the pearl pendant that had channeled my power as a healer .

I felt my heart start to turn cold as one by one , my memories of the good things in my life began to wink out like dying stars .

Evanders easy smile .

Trajans steadying voice .

Dane kissing me .

Dane … My children laughing as I read them a story .

It was all slipping away .

No ! I cried .

I tried to fight him , to hold on , but it was like water slipping through my fingers .

My heart screamed for what I was losing and started to freeze .

Chapter 145 At the same time , memories of my life as a young woman in Broken Forest were revealed .

The Reeds twisting my mind as a little girl , corrupting me , forcing me to believe that the only way I could be worthy and loved was to embrace loss , pain , and the dark .

Tha .

s what the Nameless wanted from me .

To be his beacon of pain .

To spread it across the world .

I had to fight .

Desperately , I flung my mind , and my heart out , searching for an anchor .

Something to hold just a small part of me .

There was no moon tonight , only darkness outside the windows .

And yet … I suddenly felt the smallest touch of … something … and a voice whispered , Even in the darkest times , I am here .

I grasped that power .

It was all I needed .

big , dark gray wolf body at the head of my newly enlarged pack

whipped by as we

Piper needed me .

Holden was there .

, I Chapter 145 3/5 couldnt lose my sister , too

to her in

! My paw caught on a

head slammed into a stone

wasnt in the terrible ,

overlooking a wide lake in the middle of

and sky were

golden with

I spun

It was Dane .

down the hill toward me and caught

my face against his chest

he looked and felt

Like himself .

? His face was grim , but he lifted the pearl

Thanks to you .

we ? I dont know , I- My gaze caught on the sky just above the trees , where a round , white moon

it was supposed

145 But that

the new moon

supposed to be completely

, a

cant stop whats happening to you only

I can give you


of hope

One stolen second .

of ti .

between time .

Dont waste it .

dark … The voice

Danes dark eyes

the goddess

, years ? he

in his arms ,

so fucking

to do what she wanted and free the relic but found shadows

? Another person might not have heard the anguish hidden in the powerful Alphas voice

him so well

my hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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