Chapter 214 1/6 AURORA This is your moment , Aurora .

Choose now .

Its huge above us , its body indicating evil intentions .

Growling , it makes a sound that rattles everything in the air .

You cannot win , Luna .

Your hesitation will mean your end .

I press my hand against the heart , the pendant at my neck flaring weakly in response .

The warmth of the heart spreads throughout my body , settling my resolve .

Youre wrong , I say , lifting my head to meet the entitys glowing eyes .

I cant outrun my destiny , but I can shape it .

The entity lets out a roar , its form flickering as the grove reacts to my intent .

The pendant grows brighter , its light pushing back the shadows inch by inch .

I stand up , quivering , as if every muscle in my body is shaking .

The energy of the heart courses through me and the space brightens with an intense light .

It attacks , dark branches reaching for me , but I stand firm and direct the pendants energy into the heart .

Im healing the grove , I say , with unmistakable clarity in my tone .

This is the end .

Chapter 214 clearing .

The entity recoils its roar now a pained cry .

From within the entity , Kaels voice echoes , softer than before .

2/6 Thank you , child , he says , his voice laced with sorrow and gratitude .

I see now what I could not .

May the grove guide you well .

The entity begins to unravel , the dark form disintegrating as it reverses back into the grove .

The turmoil about us begins to fade away , the moving roots stilling their frantic movements .

the glow of the heart reaches for me , its

, no longer tied

I breathe ,

is what Lirien meant

energy of the heart pulls me in , and I feel my feet lift off the ground , being pulled toward

body begins to fade ; I am becoming one with the power

weak voice stammers

Dane .

my sight blurry ,

, but fire

Chapter 214 firm .

Dane , I start , my voice

I have to .

is my choice

this is mine , he

reaches for mine , and the moment his fingers brush my skin ,

, its light stabilizing

a bit , its energy steadying as Dane

, we anchor the groves power , evening

itself begins to respond

from chaos

slowing to a stop as their silver glow

, the balance of the

his hand

to steady me , a grounding presence

, a weak smile breaking through the

last time

their silver glow , their branches humming with renewed life

roots fade , their dark energy

grove is healing

bindings of the hearts power loosen their hold

once more , my body firm

gaze , a soft

, my voice razor sharp

looks down , and a flicker

emerge , its lines intricate ,

familiar , the same that appeared on Eira

again , soft and

balance is restored , but at what cost ? My eyes stay fixed on the mark

it mean ? I whispered


bond now runs through him , as

looks first to me ;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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