Chapter 20

"Maya's POV-

The word hung in the air, a possessive claim that resonated deep within my soul. A spark ignited, a connection so profound it left me breathless, Then, before I could react, his teeth sunk into the soft flesh just below my ear, a sharp prick of pain followed by a surge of heat that raced through my body.

I gasped, a mixture of shock and something else, something primal and instinctive, escaping my lips. His grip tightened around my wrist, his eyes holding mine captive. "Now," he murmured, his voice husky with something akin to reverence, "you'll remember me

The bathroom door creaked open, jolting us both from the intense moment. Natalia's voice, laced with concern, broke through the silence. "Amaya? Are you okay in there?"

His grip loosened, but he didn't release me. He glanced towards the door, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. Then, with a final, lingering look, he let go of my wrist and disappeared from the bathroom into the crowd.

My knees buckled, and I slumped against the cool tile wall. My heart hammered against my ribs, my head spun, and a strange tingling sensation danced across my skin. Mate. The word echoed in my mind, a brand seared into my soul.

Natalia entered the restroom, her face etched with worry. But before she could speak, I grabbed her arm, a desperate need to escape overwhelming me.

"Let's go," I whispered, my voice trembling, "Let's just get out of here.

Her questions went unanswered as I pulled her out of the bathroom and back into the throbbing heart of the club. The music pounded around me, the lights blurred, but all I could see was his face, feel the ghost of his touch, and hear the raw possessiveness echoing in his words:

You are mine, Silver.

"Amaya! What the heck was that all about?" Natalia shouted as soon as we got back into the club. "You practically dragged me out of there!"

I tried to focus on anything to drown out the chaotic symphony within me "just needed some air."

"Air? In the middle of the bathroom stall? Did you suddenly develop claustrophobia? And who was that guy in there with you? You looked like you were about to eat each other's faces!"

Her bluntness, while unwelcome at the moment, did manage to break through the fog of confusion clouding my mind. Taking a deep breath, I reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards a quieter corner of the club.

her curious gaze. "There's

hung between us, broken only by the faint thumping of the music. Then, it happened. Her face broke into a wide grin, her

God, Amaya! You found your mate! This is amazing! The best thing ever!" she shrieked,

enthusiasm. Despite the whirlwind of emotions i was experiencing, a sliver of happiness bloomed within me.

of anxiety washed over me. Natalia, oblivious to my internal struggle, continued to gush

picture in my mind shifted. He wasn't just the ruthless businessman portrayed in the media. There were hints of a sharp intellect, a quiet determination, and even a flicker of

at me. The emotional rollercoaster

sleep," Natalia suggested, "We'll think more clearly in the morning. Even better, not in a

events of the night replayed in my mind. The throbbing club, the intense connection with

that followed, I went against my entire family, my entire pack and for three years, I had everything I

be two of us

in one night, he broke his promise and took

freely as the past faded away, leaving a dull


in love with

SEND GIFT apter 20


to a halt and grabbing my shoulders. "This changes everything You have to tell me all the details! What were his eyes like? Did he smell good? Did

intensity of his gaze, the intoxicating scent that

a minute.” she muttered, her brow furrowing as gears seemed to be turning in her head. "He seemed familiar

in the

anymore. She whipped out her phone, her fingers

"What are you doing?"

looking up. "I swear I've seen him somewhere

frantic typing later, her eyes widened in realization. "Holy shit," she muttered,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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