Chapter 62

-Alex's POV-

I stood there, watching Amaya flee the scene, my wolf surged forward, urging me to chase after her. But I knew better. I knew I shouldn't have been there in the first place, inserting myself into her life like a wedge. I had been a fool to think I could just show up and pretend like nothing. had changed. My wolf was still reeling, and now it was pushing me to go after her, to claim her as mine. But I knew that was a recipe for disaster.

Ivan's eyes narrowed, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity as he turned his attention back to me. His mask was slipping, revealing a glimmer of the darkness beneath. I almost smiled, knowing that no one could be that perf that put together, without hiding something.

And Ivan was definitely hiding something.

"Why won't you leave her the fuck alone?" he snarled, his voice low and menacing.

I met his gaze, my expression neutral, but my wolf seething beneath the surface. He must really have a death wish, I thought, to challenge me like this. I didn't back away, though. I just stared at him, my eyes locked on his, daring him to make a move. My wolf was lunging against the surface, eager to break free and defend me, but I kept him in check.

Ivan's eyes darkened, and his alpha aura hit me like a wave. It was a dark, tainted energy, one that made me question my previous assessment of him as harmless. There was more to Ivan than met the eye, and I made a mental note to dig deeper. His aura was like a punch to the gut, making me almost take a step back.


Miranda's voice broke through the tension, her tone tiny and fragile. "Ivan," she whispered, her hand on his arm. "Let's just go."

She sounded like a scared little girl, her usual manipulative demeanor replaced by a quivering uncertainty. I allowed myself to look at her, and she looked scared. Scared of what Ivan would do. Her touch on his arm finally snapped him out of it, and he backed away, his eyes returning to normal. His gaze clashed with mine, and I still had a neutral expression on my face.

"Stay away from Amaya," he growled, before turning and walking away, leaving me and Miranda in an awkward silence.

I thought it was rather ironic how we were engaged, yet so distant. The only connection we would ever have was when I fucked her. I expected her to say something, anything, in her usual calculating manner, but she didn't even look at me. She just clutched her bag, turned around, and walked away, leaving me to wonder what had just transpired.

It was sealed.

had to know what the fuck just happened. I needed to know what Ivan was hiding, what he was capable of. The questions swirled in

phone and dialed Christian's number, my mind still reeling from the encounter with Ivan and Miranda. He answered on the first ring, his signature drawl dripping with boredom. "Are you calling to apologize for

had a habit of provoking me,

are you?" I said instead of answering his question,



10:23 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 62

an irritated sigh, the sound carrying clearly over the phone line.

mind already racing with

"Okay what?"

"I'm on my way.

word, my mind already moving on to the next

everything I needed waiting for me on board. I really needed to

which was exactly how I liked it. I couldn't stand the air hostesses' lingering gazes, their flirtatious smiles. There was

light of the plane. I sat down, swirling the liquid in the glass as the pilot announced it was time to take off. I brought the glass to my lips, feeling the coolness of the glass against my skin, then tipped it

the plane lifted off the ground, I closed my eyes, letting the memories I tried not to remember flood my mind. Amaya's smile, her laughter, the way she used to look at me. I felt a pang in my chest, a familiar ache that I had been trying to ignore for months now. But it was no use. She had implanted herself under my skin, I tried to act like I could tear myself away from me but I

my head against the seat, Amaya's face vanished, replaced by another woman's face. This woman still had a smile on her face, but it

My mother's.

had long suppressed. I was eight years old, holding up a crude drawing for her

my mother's face fell, a frown immediately growing on her face. She gently pushed my hand down, the painting going along with it, and looked around nervously to see if anyone had noticed. There were some of my father's men lurking in the background, pretending not to pay attention, but I knew

your father?" she whispered. I frowned, feeling a surge of anger and fear. "He's not a part of my family. He is a monster." My mother quickly covered my mouth with her hand, her eyes pleading. "Don't let anyone here hear you say that, Alex. Your father is not a monster. He is just a

or to anyone." Her beautiful eyes were pleading, and there was no way I could say no to her. I nodded silently, feeling a lump form in my throat. She finally smiled, and I loved it when she smiled, but it was a sad smile, a smile that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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