Chapter 67

-Maya's POV-

The cacophony of construction filled the air - hammering, sawing, drill whines echoing through the uast putted space. Amidst the chaos, I

stood frozen, a lone island of calm in a sea of activity.

People scurried around me like busy ants-construction workers in hard hats, electricians wrestling with wires, a team of painters meticulously applying a coat of crisp white to the exposed brick wall. I barely registered their presence, my mind lost in a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Amaya?" Ms. Edwards' sharp voice cut through my fog. She stood beside me, her clipboard clutched in one hand, the other resting on her hip. "Come on, earth to Amaya. Let's see what you think of this."

I blinked, forcing myself back to reality. This was it. The moment of truth. After weeks of planning, mood boards, late nights spent poring over blueprints and fabric swatches, the redesign was finally taking shape. A nervous flutter rose in my stomach.

"Right, sorry," I mumbled, forcing a smile. "Sure, what is it?"

She gestured towards the center of the room, where a team of workers were assembling a massive structure. It looked like a giant metal frame, but the details were still shrouded in scaffolding and tarpaulin. "That." She announced with a flourish, "is the centerpiece of our open floor plan - the collaboration hub."

"Collaboration hub?" I repeated, peering at the skeletal structure. "Explain?"

Her smile widened. "Ah, yes! The heart of this new design. It's a multi-level platform, essentially. We'll have different sections dedicated to different types of collaboration - brainstorming zones, breakout areas for smaller meetings, even a quiet zone with soundproofed pods for

focused work."

My eyebrows shot up. "That's actually a great idea," I admitted. "I remember suggesting dedicated quiet zones during the initial meeting with Mr. Thorne."

A hint of amusement flickered in her eyes. "Indeed you did," she conceded. "And a great idea it was. Mr. Thome was quite impressed with your suggestion, you know."

My cheeks flushed a faint pink. "Really?" I stammered, surprised,

"Absolutely. He specifically mentioned it during our last call. He even said something about appreciating the balance between open

collaboration and focused work areas."

My surprise deepened. I mea I didn't think he would specifically comment on how much he liked my idea. Back then we each did our own thing so we didn't get in each other's way.

cutting through my reverie, “let's take a closer look at the different levels. Up here, on the top platform, we'll have a dedicated

shape. I could picture it - a clean, minimalist space bathed in

down a level," She continued, leading me towards another section of the frame, "we have the brainstorming zone.



Chapter 67

maybe even a ping pong table for some

face. A ping pong table? That was unexpected, but I liked the idea. A touch


the quiet zone. Soundproofed pods, comfortable ergonomic chairs, perfect for those times when someone needs to concentrate on a

walked around the structure, Ms. Edwards explaining the finer detalls - lighting options, soundproofing materials, ventilation systems. It wasn't just about aesthetics; it was about creating a functional, comfortable space that catered to the diverse needs of the

wouldn't have come together this well without your input. You have a real eye for design and a great understanding of how to create spaces that

"The electricians need to know where to run the wiring for the



and began studying them with a practiced eye. "The projector will be mounted on the

needs to run..."

the opportunity to wander around the rest of the space,

felt surprisingly spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows bathing the interior in natural light. Demolished cubicle walls

one corner, a team of workers was busy constructing a small kitchenette. Modern stainless steel appliances gleamed under the harsh lights, and a row of sleek bar stools sat waiting in front

looking great," I said to myself, a satisfied smile curving my lips. It was starting to feel real, this vision we'd meticulously crafted on paper, I could almost picture the employees bustling around, collaborating in


for him. Alex had always been impersonal when it came to work and I tried but eventually let it go when he

breath, I forced myself to refocus. There was still a lot to be done. We needed to finalize furniture selections, choose color palettes for the different zones, and address

arm. "So, Amaya," she began, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, "what do you think about the progress so far?

my head, a genuine smile gracing my lips. "Honestly, Ms. Edwards,

"Excellent! That's what I like to hear. Now, let's talk about the color scheme for the open


22 Jun

Chapter 67

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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